Um, sure buddy, but that same argument works against you in equal measure, since extra fight panels could have made the fight worse for all we know.
Flashy's fight covered 59 pages, but you could argue even less considering almost half of that fight was spent in conversation between the ninja's. Child Emperor's fight was much the same. Truly speaking the actual length of their fights was roughly the same as Drive Knight's, there was just a lot more talking and internal dialogue in the former two. The fights themselves are like most OPM fight scenes, short, punctual and to the point, all killer, no filler. A fight scene isn't made great by its length, but by the context within them. Adding in more pointless punching or kicking would add nothing, a fight only needs the important beats to fully function, anything else is just superfluos detail. FF's and CE's fight scene worked because of the context within them, not the length. They told the exact amount of information that was needed, and was as long as they needed to be to showcase that. Nothing more, nothing less. Drive Knight's fight was no different. If a fight benefits from being long, then of course it should be long, but if it benefits from being short, then extra information will either add nothing or even make it worse.