Sorry, my internet is really bad right now so I can't reply fast or browse at all.
Saber can still tear into him by using Excalibur Morgan at point blank range, grab Issei with tendrils of darkness, and teleport after him through the shadows.
Yes, but that won't happen. Devils have a tingly feeling when they're in close proximity with holy or light weapons and the better it is, the stronger the feeling is. So, Issei flies far into the air and avoids any contact with it. If he does so, none of those can happen. Except she can teleport into the air somehow and even in that case, she can't stay in the air. Besides, Saber can't catch Issei off guard in any way due to Pailingual. Also, correct me if I'm not remembering correctly, but Issei already fought and defeated someone from the Hero Faction with those abilities + he could absorb and reflect his attacks through his shadows and become intangible.
Saber Alter is shameless, tearing her clothes off won't do anything aside from make her a little more vulnerable.
Well, I didn't mean to imply she was going to run away or something, just asking if she has the same durability without her armor.
His boost power is clearly inconsistent since in the early volumes he goes from pleb to mid class demon while in later arcs like when using CCQ he doesn't use his boost that much and it doesn't make him literally a million times stronger. Divine Diving's power is the same. Saber has superior stamina due to having a effectively limitless supply of magical energy. He can't just use his wyverns to reflect literally everything, since he never does that he always tries to block or dodge attacks.
It's inconsistent, yeah. But how does that make him unable to become stronger than Saber? Nobody said he was going to become a million times stronger. Also, he spams Boost everytime except for the time when it was limited. It's almost as connected with him as oppai is. All of his wyverns can boost their power and transfer it to him, simultaneously halve Saber's stats and add it to his, plus him being able to boost himself. Wouldn't he outclass Saber in that aspect? It makes knocking her out with his attacks plausible. As for Divine Dividing, the only thing inconsistent about it is how much it halves speed, strength and stamina. It doesn't even matter if it's inconsistent though, it still reduces Saber's strength. It nullifies attacks from stronger opponents and reduces their strength as shown with Loki and Azi Dahaka. Vali is always confident of fighting stronger enemies because of the nature of his powers. He was mentioned to fight against and harm Azi Dahaka in his Balance Breaker. How else would a 7-B guy fight against a High 7-A to 6-C guy? Okay about the limitless stamina. He unlocked access to his wyverns against Euclid and he used Reflect. Check the fight again [I think it was the second one].
When has CCQ Issei show the ability to reflect High 7-A attacks? In his CCQ he has at most managed to reflect 7-A attacks nothing higher.
He hasn't, since he hasn't fought a God yet in this form but he'll probably do so in the current Rating Game. But like I said, Longinus work on stronger opponents. It has been shown for other Longinus as well, the effect might vary depending on the opponent's power but they still work anyway. Except you're talking about Zenith Tempest which clearly relies on the user's power [and even then, Dulio still has empathic hax], Regulus Nemea which is a defensive Longinus or the others we either haven't seen the full capabilities or haven't been shown yet. Even if you say that Issei can't reflect it [honestly, I heavily doubt this and I would like examples of Divine Dividing failing to work on a superior opponent or attack], he can still nullify it since it has worked on far superior opponents and attacks before. He didn't "manage" to reflect it if I'm remembering correctly, he did it easily and Euclid could spam Boost like him as well. In fact, how would the blast be High 7-A if Issei halves her power?
So what if Issei knows that Saber will spam Excalibur how does he counter a space distortion?
Affecting space is very normal in DxD. The characters do it and they tank attacks from each other. Issei warped space and punched holes in it with Sairaorg and they tanked hits from each other. Kiba can rip through space, and what his weapons do is clatter off Issei's armor without doing anything to him. Even when Xenovia was fodder, she ripped through space and she does it more easily now. Doesn't stop others from tanking attacks from her. Loki easily distorts space and tears through it, but they took casual hits from him. Fenrir easily ate apart distorted space, but the only reason he put Vali and Issei out of commission was his superior strength + God killing fangs. Arthur and Strada distorted space by releasing the pressure from their bodies, and Arthur can casually rip, distort and put holes in space, but they both survived their fight with a few scratches + some of the Gremory Group took casual attacks from Strada. And you know, Vali who's Issei's rival can affect space in different ways and he's not one-shotting or killing Issei that way at all.
Anyway, there are other cases of similar stuff but my point is that affecting space-time is common in DxD and nothing special here.
I wouldn't say it's a stomp. If Issei loses, yeah he loses. Nothing stompish about this. Personally, the only problem I see is probably the High 7-A Excaliblast. So, I'm just going to wait for examples on why Divide won't work on it.
Also, sorry for the lengthy post. I had no idea it was this big.