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Kakashi Intercepts False Darkness Recalc
I more or less stated about issues in the blog, but want to clarify one more thing.
In calculations where we subtract distances, sometimes using something constant can be unhelpful. When we calculate distance via angsizing, there apeears an error, but if we apply angsizing for 2 distances and before subtracting use something constant to add one of them, sometimes we can get very low or negative results. That mostly happen because that 2 distances contain errors while constant distance that we added doesn't.
To escape this we can add that distance(Kakashi's arm) to angsizing as that'd contain same level of error as distance between Kakashi and Choji/Shikamaru and so we can escape catastrophic cancellation or negative result.
As an example let's assume our angsizing gives us 70% of real result. If we apply angsizing to everything, our final result will also be 70% of what it should've been.
0.7*Choji~Lightning - (0.7*KakashiBody~Choji + 0.7*KakashiArm) = 0.7 * real result
But if we will calculate like:
0.7*Choji~Lightning - (0.7*KakashiBody~Choji + KakashiArm) = ???
Result can be like 1000 times less than real one or even can be negative.
That's why I'm suggesting to apply angsizing directly from arm to Choji for accuracy.