Ah, shit.
Thinking quickly to defend himself from the new creatures, as well as the others who repositioned, three creatures appear: a vaguely hound-shaped black... thing with a maw the size of the rest of it's body, bursting from the struck imp with the two other imps, flinging itself wildly upon them; the risen shade of the aforementioned struck imp, forming from roughly it's prior position and opening fire upon it's former comrades; and another shade, a bear-like, beaked thing covered in brambles and thorns with arms similar to that of an ant-eater, a Briarthorn that immediately and violently swings it's great claws at the imp not being targeted by the smaller Black Scourge.
Oh, yeah, I remember that... or rather I notice it now, but whatever. Keep on topic, me.
These three creatures should be able to simply absorb most attacks fired from close-range, aided by auras that overcome them to further increase their durability, strength, and speed. Aouranii himself makes evasive maneuvers, finding cover inside the top floor of the building he climbed to get to this point, but not before summoning and blasting a swarm of devouring insects towards the floating imps well above him.