So? Is still a mistake from you saying that is the gluttony authority, even trought is the mist from the whale, without you elaborating that "well, even trought the scan is about the white whale mist, this should equate to the gluttony authority because they are similar"
You din't do that, you used a Scan about the white whale, saying It was the Gluttony authority. Which is not.
I din't say you interpretation is wrong, more like your exagerating what's is actually saying to fit your agenda.
This scan don't say nothing about them rewritting the historical information of someone, is just Ram saying that Rem don't exist.
"Oh, because her historical information got erased"
If you want to prove that It indeed got erased, you need to have a Scan saying that outright, not just something vague alluding to that. The other two Scan are the same, so I not gonna bother.
This might help your point, trought I really doubt It would still got accepted with just this Scan.