"........." Metatron let out a sigh.
"Michael was... Amazing. Dependable. Loving. I... Looked up to him, even though I was older than him by far. I believe everybody looked up to how he could always remain... smiling." Metatron said, "David may get a kick out of this, but I was actually the first person he tested the very first wrestling techniques on." Metatron said.
"Jeremiel was... weird, to say the least. He was strong, yes, but no matter what, he adamantly refused to harm anybody. I don't understand how one thing could possibly display affection towards another as he did..." Metatron said, smiling.
"Zerachiel believed in law and order. That was everything he thought about. His Star God, Antares, who the Dominator-Class Dragon is named after, was the one who established the very concept of laws among mortals... And Zerachiel was the one who enforced them. He was strong and stern, but I did see some times where he could display sympathy or care... Despite said moments being incredibly rare."
"And Remiel was..." Gabriel made sure to listen closely to this one.
"He was... beautiful..." Metatron said, "He was young, naive, but he was... kind. I don't understand why, but he was just so... kind. To everybody, really. He would also speak of his dreams for mortals. For them to evolve beyond living on planets. For them to develop and delve into outer space, to develop new technology, to cure their own diseases, and to end their own wars... He would always tell me about his dreams... And when he... He..." Metatron stopped.
"....." He turned into weapon form, remaining silent.