I have a few problems regarding the pixel scaling on the Sanji calc.
First of all, I'd like to say, using queen's nose is a bit odd considering the lasers come out of his eyes. So I'm going to use
Queen's eyes as a reference for the calc.
(Same panel used in the original calc).
Queen's height =
612 cm (583px).
Queen's eye height = 6px (6.2984cm).
Queen's eye height = 7px (6.2984cm).
Panel height = 446px.
Distance from Pov to Queen = 0.062984m * 446/[7*2*tan(70deg/2)]= 2.86556510209 meters.
Sanji's neck and head length (according to Floxy) =
0.21477272712 meters (39px).
Distance from Pov to Sanji= 0.21477272712m * 446/[39*2*tan(70deg/2)]= 1.7538 meters.
Line between Sanji and Queen = 231px (2.42 meters).
Distance between Sanji and Queen before Pythag = 2.86556510209 - 1.7538 = 1.111 meters.
Pythag = √((2.42)^2 + ((2.86556510209- 1.7538)^2) = 2.663 meters.
And yes, whilst Sanji is turning around, he would be gaining more timeframe, as to turn around you would have to lower your legs first. If you want to use the distance to Sanji's foot, you would have to use a different movement distance, something like the minimum distance he would need to move to get his leg out of the way.