We have decided that our Patreon supporter badges should receive some benefits to them in our forum.
What we have in mind:
2 Euros/Month: The "Supporter" badge renamed to "Bronze Supporter": No displayed advertisements.
5 Euros/Month: The "Super Supporter" badge renamed to "Silver Supporter": No displayed advertisements. Longer signature texts. Larger size for personal animated user avatar images.
10 Euros/Month: The "Ultra Supporter" badge renamed to "Gold Supporter": No displayed advertisements. Longer signature texts. Larger size for personal user images. A tastefully worded brief personal description text as title.
20 Euros/Month: "Diamond Supporter": No displayed advertisements. Longer signature texts. Larger size for personal user images. A tastefully worded brief personal description text as title. A small inoffensive image included in one's forum posts signature.
@Edwellken @Muchacho_mrm @Agnaa @StorytellingDemonKing @First_Witch @JohnConquest1 @Mr._Bambu @Oloserian @Sir_Ovens @Pain_to12 @DontTalkDT @Propellus @JnSteHar002 @Lightning_XXI @PsychoWarper @Firestorm808
Is it fine with you if your badges are renamed in the above manner?