I have nothing left to say about the Sera news specifically that wasn't already said, but there is something from this that I want to get off my chest, and it bounces off of what KLOL and Axiom said earlier:
Like, its a ******* versus debating site for ****'s sakes, there's no need to actually gaslight people or dox people over it.
It this kind of drama that's (partly) the reason I'm currently taking a long break from the Wiki (and Vs debating in general). Pardon me if I sound cliche but this is ment to be a fun hobby where you can learn as well as share new information about different works of fiction while getting into various discussions/debates about miscellaneous subjects (since knowledge is the best the cure for ignorance).
That said the internet is a unpredictable place where some folks become so disconnected from reality to the point they actually believe some random person online (that they don't even truly now) is their friend, role model, muse, etc yet that random individual might not even be real moreover those who put on those facades online, sometimes begin to believe their own lies while also tricking others with their deceit eventually leading to creation of a false narrative/world that many believe to be the truth...
Honestly these past few months (likely longer for others) the Wiki has felt less stable as well as enjoyable to me and for some reason I've always had this underline feeling of tension just boiling beneath the surface and when that tension does occasionally erupt it has caused me lash out against others, leave projects unfinished and was slowly turning me into something I didn't want to become (hence why I'm taking a break).
I don't know when/if I will return to the Wiki (on more permanent bias) but these kind of revelations, aren't exactly encouraging me to return anytime soon, trust is a fickle commodity in that regard.
Im going to be fully honest here and say that not only are these 2 speaking the biggest truth in this whole thread, but it's something that all of us here need a reality check on so we can actually remember. It's completely disgusting and absolutely asinine to me that THIS MUCH ******* drama comes from that of a hobby where anything from your favorite elemental animal abominations to alien martial artists from different fictions are pit against each other in discussions to see who wins. And what's even more shocking is that instead of this snowball getting smaller, it keeps getting larger and larger the longer it rolls down the hill, because people can't have the common decency to remember that, at the end of the day, they are speaking to actual human beings from the other end of their screens. Not just a name.
Like, I get it. Fictional discussions, vs matches, and all that good shit wrapped up in this topic can become very heated, because of people being passionate about what they love. Everyone does this, including yours truly. This is part of what makes all of us actual humans, and that isn't anything to be ashamed about. It happens, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But what becomes an increasingly bigger and bigger issue is people who step beyond the realm of passion in vs debating and go straight into offense against the people they discuss things with. Going beyond simple agitation with someone and directly insulting their very person over a different takeaway on anything this topic provides as a discussion. Or worse, wasting valuable time and energy into, for whatever reason that only god knows, making people's lives as miserable as possible and smearing their reputation, and who they are, over
a damn fictional discussion. These days, it feels much more like vs debating is some serious career and much less an actual activity. Many of us feel like, before we even click enter to post a CRT, we have to prepare for war from incoming opposition. And then turn the vs discussion into a REAL death match between us members in order for us to get want we want to push for accepted, whether that be cheating the system in their favor, finding any kind of technicality they can to make things go their way, creating some secret cult among members to organize plans against our sites standards or the ratings verses have, and the list can go on and on and on
AND ON. All because we're fearful and hesitant of how the opposition will respond to what's being proposed, and
even more fearful of what the reaction will be after the result is given. And that is why the quality of our site, or hell, the quality of the entire vs debating community as a whole, is making a steady and continuously growing decline along the way. And speaking as someone who spends a lot of his time on this site to partake in this hobby, which as already said should just be a HOBBY and not a damn job, it hurts and sickens me to see this many negatives and flaws go unfixed.
I can't speak for everyone and what reasons or motives they have to be on this site or participate in vs debating. But I most certainly do not spend my time on this site to become some "big shot" debater. I don't discuss or make threads here to eventually become some staff member to get some upgrade in power or moderation over what goes on here. I don't discuss or make threads here to be seen as some popular intellectual on the topics or series I discuss. And I definitely don't discuss or make threads here just to pass the free time I get from my own individual IRL responsibilities. I discuss and make threads here because I have genuine interest and love in the hobby. I love having fictional discussions, or discussing death battles, with people who I hope to end up becoming friends with on this platform for having similar interests and qualities that align with my own. This hobby is something that helps distract me from the demons of what the real world brings when not online, and is a great distraction for it's something I love to do and want to continue doing for a long time. Sure, things will not always be rainbows and unicorns, but I always have the decency to remember that I am speaking to actual people on here. Whatever mistakes I make, I feel bad about them and apologize for them to keep things as they should. Stable, balanced and fun.
Regardless of who's in the right, who's in the wrong, or who started what, I want the absolute best out of this community and everyone inside of it that can look past petty little squabbles like this and keep things fun like they always should be. But when the people who take this hobby far too serious as if their life depends on winning an argument or making another person's life miserable for disagreeing, it becomes increasingly more difficult to get any enjoyment out of the hobby. And even more difficult to try and stop the toxicity.