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  • Hello, feel free to ask about anything.
    So Bob, I shall either have you make a random WoW profile or remake a random Starcraft profile

    Do not resist.
    I'd probably dig up the(incomplete) cosmology blog for Warcraft for you to review lol

    Or have you do some random raid boss without much hax lol
    In fact, do this random Magma/volcanic rock Elemental!
    Elemental passives and whatnot are in Rag's profile, though obviously burning with the full concentrated power of the sun is a him thing.
    What am I meant to evaluate here? I'm not going to dig feats, lol.
    Hey Bobsican, if you have knowledge on hypertimelines, can you help me know if this is a hypertimeline?
    Eh, hypertimelines aren't required for this kind of stuff AFAIK, general timeline branching is just tier 2.
    Unless you mean in the sense of the timelines themselves "changing" in a way that would require an hypertimeline, in which case the issue of the hypertime not being infinite but rather still expanding would put it into question as there needs to be an infinite amount of snapshots for tier 1 and that contradicts such assumption.
    The universes in Cookie Run are infinite and infinitely expansive. There's conformation of all the universes being in infinite.
    That's 2-A, that doesn't support an hypertime argument to begin with.
    You are a supporter of Kung Fu Panda, so I was wondering if you could give thoughts on my current match.

    You have anyone who can fight this particular fat dragon?
    None in particular.
    I think this may call your attention, however.
    Square Enix is really suffering from the underperformances of 2023 and 2024. Hope that doesn't hurt KH4's progress. It was mentioned they cancelled a lot of titles, but at least we can rest assured that the breadwinners like FF and KH were unaffected by that.
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    Union X and Dark Road are bundled as a single game (think Sonic Origins for example), but I would really recommend to just watch the cutscenes in YouTube as they were lazily put out of order and the games became glorified kinetic novels as the gameplay aspect is either gone (Union X) or is an idle game (Dark Road). Should probably also note that Union X does not end with the Keyblade War, a sort of reboot happens at this point however, but doesn't really impact main characters besides Player.
    Alright. Thanks for the heads up. I'll probably ask you any questions I have down the road. Little by little, but I'm catching up. BTW, Merry Christmas dude, hope you have a nice time.
    Thanks, Merry Christmas for you too!
    Hey there. Hate two minor questions in regards to KH

    1. When SBA is being used what is generally the strongest version of Sora since I see different answers from different people
    2. Specifically for KH3, Sora has access to the X-Blade which I know is true via KH3's ending, but abilities granted from it are not listed under Keyblade Powers. Why is that?
    1: KH3 Sora (last key, in other words)
    2: Oh, that's a mistake (assuming you mean the P&A section on Sora's profile over the Keyblade one), thanks for pointing out.
    1. Got ya, I've been hearing other people say it's KH2 Sora so thanks for making that clear.
    2. No problem (yeah that's what I meant). Also Xehanort also has access to it and on his profile has a bunch of abilities under his X-Blade tabber. I'm guessing those also all apply to the X-Blade too or does Xehanort use it in some specific way to make those haxes unique to him?
    1: KH2 Sora is the strongest among the 2-B keys, but otherwise generally speaking you'd want the KH3 one.
    2: TBH that probably should just be revised into a KH3 key in general as a good chunk of what's listed is just stuff he has at that time, rather than being granted by the X-Blade, so I don't think what's listed there would fall as an innate trait of it for Sora's purposes at present.
    Can I ask a question about something that I have a problem defining if it's qualifying for concept manipulation or not?
    Alright, thank you. But what would exactly need to be defined for the this nature to be regarded as a concept?
    Type 3 is meant for stuff that is abstract but simply not type 2 or above, so for this you'd want stuff to support it being abstract, merely being incorporeal wouldn't do given the soul context.
    Alright. Thank you for your time.
    Heya, good morning

    I find it really funny to put Puzzdroid on tournaments despite not playing PaD, and something is really bothering me as I cannot find an answer: what the actual f*** is "Reaction Time"? How does it work that Puzzdroid (apparently, as well claim it here in the wiki but I couldn't see it ANYWHERE else) gives opponents reaction time buff of 5x?

    Sorry for bothering, ty for your time.
    Hey, there Bob. Been well? Sorry for the bother, but just wanted to verify something. With the changes to the standards for Low 1-C Sora went back to being 5D from 6D, correct? Or I'm misinterpreting it? I recall you made a thread discussing it some time ago. Asking because there is a thread ranking the Smash characters according to their Tier and we're discussing whether Sora or the Xenoblade chars (who IIRC are 6D now) should be higher.
    That's the case at the moment, they probably should still qualify for 6-D, but I and some others are just waiting for Ultima, which will surely take a while, so feel free to put Sora below or so.
    Got it, thanks for the help, dude.
    I'd say let's drop the argument for now and let the users decide from now. No point in going back and forth since we obviously don't agree with one another's perspective. I've asked several staff members to evaluate it so we'll see where it goes.
    Since you are the one who proposed Ben 10 rule about upgrading verse to 1B , there is a new thread created recently would u mind coming there
    I am currently unable to contact you on Discord.
    You are shown as Online, but my Direct Messages receive error messages when I try to contact you.
    Is everything okay?
    Ah okay. Should I un-friend you on Discord for the time being?
    Having checked my Discord recently, I received some messages from you some hours ago. How do I know if it's really you or not?
    I got it sorted out, don't worry, thanks for the concern.
    The reasonings for the rejection kinda contradict themselves and actively go against precedents set by DontTalk.
    Would I still be allowed to make a new staff thread on the matter?
    I've re-opened the thread.
    Oh, I and Deagonx are going to do a new thread, please close that one, sorry for the inconvenience.
    Will be busy with school and whatever on the next two weeks, until then I'll have to put whatever revisions I have in hold, I apologize for the inconveniences.
    Hey Bob
    Sorry for the Fiasco that unfolded during the whole debate
    You seem fun to debate against thou and I like the look of Sora’s skill set
    Since your the primary KH supporter…
    If you’d be down at any point in time… we could Debate Sora vs my favourite Low 1-C character over Private Conversation or Discord anytime your up for it

    I just genuinely wanna see who’s better and who’s win and I don’t wanna have to deal with 101 people clogging up the debate when it would be primarily you vs me

    And yes… we’d both act within the boundaries of the wiki rules

    Don't make me debunk your KH stuffs.
    TBH if it's well substantiated I don't mind, I appreciate accuracy, after all.
    Hey man how are you?

    For some reason my discord is not working as it kept saying 500: Internal Server Error or just having a blank screen. Also not sure if something happened or somehow I left the server or something by mistake. I want to mention this since you are in the same server as me.
    Discord is acting weird lately, indeed, just wait for it or something.
    Ah well now it seems to be working...well so far.
    Mate, I just noticed you're one of the few Wallace & Gromit supporters...and we don't have a Gromit profile.
    Can you do it?
    Not really, it's difficult for me to find scans and stuff for non videogame-media.
    'K, ty for your time

    I wanted to ask if this sort of layering and RE was valid
    It being a smurf ability is fine, it being layered would only matter in relation to someone resisting it then overcoming it, and I doubt Sonic resists that either way.

    That said, RE is limited to the P&As dealt with previously for the sake of NLFs.
    Hey there Bobsican, sorry for disturbing you. As someone who seems to be in charge with the KH profiles and is knowledgeable with KH as a whole, I want to ask you something if it's okay with you. In Sora's profile, his range caps at Interdimensional with Keyholes with the following statement "Sora can open portals to travel from reaching other worlds (universes), to reaching the other multiverse that is the Realm of Darkness and the Final World." Shouldn't that be Multiversal in range (Barring the χ-bLade that Sora might or might not be able to use) or is there a particular reason that I don't know of that keeps it at Interdimensional?
    Multiversal requires range to affect the entirety of such structures at once, not merely physically traveling them or otherwise affecting finite area of effect across multiple universes, admittedly Interdimensional as a whole is weird and being revised right now elsewhere.
    Okay, I see. Thanks for that.
    You worked on the power mimicry revision so I feel you'd be the right person to ask.......

    I was wondering if you could elaborate a bit on one of the "Hearts" powers. With the Heart's Physiology they gain Information Manipulation (Type 2) for their Hearts being one's defining aspect in the datascape. Which as the name implies is a reality made of data. However, Data Manip is considered a separate ability from Info Manip and the page justification sounds more like resistance to it, rather than having said power. Is their more that can be elaborated on that?
    Only characters that have a heart being showcased to "exist" (compared to Nobodies) in a Datascape would imply that a heart is required to exist even in a realm made of data. and generally the manipulation of data realms on a fundamentally existencial level is sufficient to qualify for type 2 info, especially with characters originating from such realm being able to specifically delete characters not made from data.

    As someone who wants to understand more about KH scaling, I had to ask: How exactly do Sora and the others scale to the Low 1-C cosmology of the Ocean Between?

    I understand why the Ocean Between is a Low 1-C, I just want to know how the characters themselves scale (asides from the Kingdom Hearts being capable of rewriting the entire cosmology).
    If I'm understanding this correctly: A lot of the Low 1-C stuff only comes from people being amped by the True KH, the X-Blade or the power of their friends' hearts, but they also scale in their non-amped bases to Low 1-C mainly because of Sora being equal to his Heartless who was gonna wipe out the Low 1-C Datascape.

    I do apologize for these questions, I just want to fully understand the scaling for KH.
    More or less, yeah.
    Ok, I think I get it, thanks!
    Hey, I was just wondering, are you planning on updating/revising the Kingdom Hearts Profiles other than Sora?

    For example, Sora's profile says he scales to Low 1-C via scaling to Lingering Will (aka Terra), yet Terra is a 2-B in all keys.
    Yes, once I get done with school exams (in a few weeks), I'll go and update the pages, there's more accepted revisions in hiatus than just tier 1.
    Ok, just wanted to make sure.
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