Also, although etherion has stated to destroy a country multiple times, every time it’s shown on screen being fired from what we’ve seen, it’s never infact covering an entire country, Ik you can call this an AOE fallacy but that’s not where I’m getting at, it clearly states it can destroy an entire country in one shot, which makes me question the consistency and accuracy of the statement alone, as it is never even covering a country whenever it’s fired... different with feats in other shows, such as dragon ball where vegeta has shown to actually destroy a planet with a ki blast on screen, but not All the time he has, so the AOE fallacy would work on him, as he has shown to destroy an entire planet, while etherion has just stated it multiple times, it makes me question whether Or not it being able to destroy an entire country is consistent or not, since whenever it’s shown being fired it hasn’t. These are just my thoughts rn, if anyone can correct me feel free to do so