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Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly is finally Canon!

Ryukama said:
I don't want anything for Broly besides "Don't have the most ******** motivation ever" and "have a personality and dialogue besides just angirly screaming one word".
People act like having any standards for DB or for Broly is expecting too much.
Honestly though, original Broly's backstory isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Broly in the original movies having intense hatred towards Goku, can be seen as him subconsciously associating Goku with the trauma he experienced as an infant. It's a phenomenon that happens in real life where otherwise unrelated objects, sounds, or images can trigger the memory of past trauma. E.g. as a child, you get severly abused by an adult, while there happens to be dogs barking outside your house. You now associate the sound of dogs barking with your trauma, and whenever you hear it, you have an automatic anxiety attack, or a feeling of uncontrollable intense fear or hatred towards dogs.

Broly was stabbed as an infant and left for dead, followed by his planet exploding. This happened around the same time he kept hearing Goku crying constantly. So it's simple. He subconsciously associates Goku with his past trauma. I don't really see what's wrong with that. People choose to interpret it as "He simply hates Goku because Goku annoyed him as an infant" forgetting that Broly also has a psychotic predisposition coupled with severe past trauma.
C'mon you know it's not that deep. He hates Goku because he cried as a baby which kept him up at night. That's the explanation given. Any other psychological trauma whatever is an interpretation not at all suggested in the story.

Also why doesn't he associate the man who stabbed him or his son who looks exactly like him and has the same name with this past trauma?
... Someone legitimately thought in the comments section of the trailer of the mpst recent DBS: Broly Trailer that " He better at least rival his Movie 8 Incarnation, because as is he is far weaker " ... Wow.
Even if he didn't have a history.

Broly so far was like a gun (character) without ammo (plot/motivation) that kills people anyways (sells non-stop/extremely popular).

As in, no story but he does his purpose: Make it sell.

If you had a gun that kills a ton of people without even having a bullet to shoot, you probably wouldn't care at all about going through the trouble of putting bullets in it or making it look cooler.

Most characters need a history to sell or to work within their shows.

Whatever people say about Broly: He worked the other way around, for all these years. He needed to be a weapon of destruction, punch people and blow up things for no reason.

And it sold. Because it was flashy. And maybe because l e g e n d a r y *throws shiny gems over the word legendary* Oh, and his transformation sequence was pretty cool, too. And he was punching people. For like the whole movie.

It's 100% what Matt said above: "Broly is just here for rule of cool."

Because "Broly being a beast" turned out to work way better than anyone would anticipate. I wouldn't be that surprised if Kale's main purpose wasn't some "testing the waters" move to anticipate how well a canon Broly would fare at this time/how popular he would be, so many years after his debut.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's being given a story and proper motivation as much as anyone else. But results and his very absurd popularity proves quite well that he, while being one of the characters in DB with the least screentime (3 movies, with the third being crap even by most Broly fans standards since "Bio Broly") and 0 motivation, was still one of the most successful ones in the show.
Broly's a legit fan fic character. He's got every trait that most fans would consider "cool" rolled into one. This is why so many people like him cause he's the type of person who would directly appeal to them. And to be completely honest he is a really cool character and a personal guilty pleasure of mine. I do like Broly. I just wish in terms of motivation or personality he had more to offer.
The funny part is that I feel more or less the same, Ryu. I'll still get laughed at by my brother for the whole "Pfff canon/universal Broly, you must be delusional" deal a while back.

Hence why I was actually *very* surprised and interested when I heard he's getting his history redone. Since it shows him beating up Frieza, I'm crossing my fingers now that his motivations have something to do with things like the destruction of his race and such But I know it'll still be crying for more hours when it comes to him beating up Goku.
actually now that I think about Ryu's comment, it's pretty interesting that in the trailer Broly attacked Vegeta first
Honestly, Broly is the embodiment of why I like Dragon Ball.

It's a show that does the whole "lolstomp" better than most others, and they lead to some very entertaining fights.

He's like Call of Duty or a bag of chips. Mindless enjoyment that doesn't, and frankly shouldn't, have a critical eye over it.

I judge every form of media I consume, and sometimes I need mindlessness. Like when I look at Broly objectively, there are many things I despise about the character.

I have always disliked his crying backstory, his "limited vocab" in his 2 and 3 movies, and how big he was in his LSSJ form.

Broly's backstory leads to a perfectly understandable hatred toward King Vegeta and his lineage. Why make him not care for Vegeta and instead hate Goku for such a mind-numbingly stupid reason?

Why making just yell "KAKORAT!!"? He spoke well enough in the first movie.

And why does he have to be that stupidly big? How can I take a guy seriously when his arms are the size of Goku's body. Like, I love the look of his base and Super Saiyan forms, but Legendary looks so silly.

Anyway, I am hyped for the movie. Many of the things I don't like about the character are seemingly getting rectified. Broly looks like he lost muscle mass with this amazing new art style, and Broly seems to have the grudge against Vegeta and not care about Goku like I wanted if him rushing Vegeta instead of Goku is something to go off of, not to mention he fights Frieza, so it's looking better. All I hope for is that he gets some lines of dialogue besides screaming and shouting and I'll be ecstatic.
Ryukama said:
C'mon you know it's not that deep. He hates Goku because he cried as a baby which kept him up at night. That's the explanation given. Any other psychological trauma whatever is an interpretation not at all suggested in the story.
Also why doesn't he associate the man who stabbed him or his son who looks exactly like him and has the same name with this past trauma?
I never said it was deep. I'm just saying it's not a bad backstory. It doesn't have to be deep to be valid or a good reason. There's plenty of antagonists in fiction who don't have a deep motivation and are instead just psychotic killing machines, some of which have severly traumatic pasts.

"He hates Goku because he cried as a baby which kept him up at night"

But Broly is also psychotic, and the reason behind that is because of the trauma he experienced (and maybe also somewhat born that way). Put two and two together.

"Also why doesn't he associate the man who stabbed him"

Because that man is long gone and never seen again by Broly? So there's no possible way for that man to trigger Broly's memory as he's not around to do so. I'm sure if he were still around, he could trigger Broly's anxiety (although it's possible that he wouldn't as sometimes that happens in real life).

Broly had no motivation to kill Goku until he met him again as an adult. Before that, he was just crazy. It's not like he's been plotting his whole life to have revenge against Goku simply because he cried. No. He meets Goku in his adult life and it unconsciously triggers his aggression.

"his son who looks exactly like him and has the same name with this past trauma?"

I dunno. Ask real life people why only certain things trigger their PTSD but other things, that may have been around for the trauma, just don't. The shit is somewhat random, but it doesn't make it any less real. Sometimes the thing that actually caused the trauma, won't be the thing that triggers the anxiety, especially if the person was too young to remember it. You can't say real life has bad writers.
"He hates Goku because he cried as a baby which kept him up at night"

^ This is the canon explanation. And the only explanation given. Anything else is an, albiet very interesting, fan theory.

Broly doesn't associate Goku's crying with something else that happened to him. The crying itself is the emotionally scarring thing, which is very stupid.

"Because that man is long gone and never seen again by Broly?" But Broly hasn't seen Goku in decades yet his name still triggers him. But hearing Vegeta's name or seeing the same face that stabbed him in the chest and left him and his father for dead doesn't?

Also the fact that him having a stupid motivation is somewhat understandable due to him being crazy, it doesn't change the fact that it is again a stupid motivation. Hating Vegeta is vastly more logical than him hating Goku.
Again the guys dad tried to murder him as an infant and left him for dead and his Son looks exactly like him and what's left of him no matter how you slice it Vegeta woulda have been a vastly better choice then Goku
The 2nd Existential Seed said:
Wait... Base Broly superior to SSB2 Kale ?
Dokken battle call Kale's control LSSJ "SSJ Berserk 2" which was a little weaker than Goku's SSG. Meanwhile, Broly is taking on 2 SSB in his "restrained" SSJ " which is weaker than normal SSJ lol
Ryukama said:
"He hates Goku because he cried as a baby which kept him up at night"
^ This is the canon explanation. And the only explanation given. Anything else is an, albiet very interesting, fan theory.

Broly doesn't associate Goku's crying with something else that happened to him. The crying itself is the emotionally scarring thing, which is very stupid.

"Because that man is long gone and never seen again by Broly?" But Broly hasn't seen Goku in decades yet his name still triggers him. But hearing Vegeta's name or seeing the same face that stabbed him in the chest and left him and his father for dead doesn't?

Also the fact that him having a stupid motivation is somewhat understandable due to him being crazy, it doesn't change the fact that it is again a stupid motivation. Hating Vegeta is vastly more logical than him hating Goku.
I don't remember that line being said in either the Jap or Eng versions. I just remember Paragus wondering why Goku upsets him then acknowledging that they were born on the same day, but still acting uncertain as to why Goku upsets him. Then in the flashback, the doctors casually acknowledge Goku's crying upsetting him. That's it.

I don't remember any line along the lines of "He hates Goku because Goku kept him up at night".

"Hating Vegeta is vastly more logical than him hating Goku."

Why would he hate Vegeta when he's literally never met him and has had zero interaction with him up intil the events of the movie? Paragus already hates Vegeta for the reasons you point out, which makes more sense. Paragus further expresses contempt for being left for dead, and the attempted execution of his son. Paragus was already an adult, so he's consciously able to remember all that. Broly was an infant, and infants don't explicitly remember things. Instead they have implicit memory, which is far more subconscious and vague.
People that say that Goku crying for 3 hours and Broly getting angry isn't a good motivation never truly heard a child crying loud enough.

Taking care of my niece once, she was crying for 15 minutes because she suddenly noticed her mother was gone and I was already losing my sanity.

I don't want to imagine the mental state my sister would find me in if that persisted for three hours. And I'm a grown-up (debatable). Imagine Broly going through that as a baby? ovo
DragonEmperor23 said:
Who's ready for Broly (Super) and Broly (Toei) to meet in XV 3?
I wouldn't be surprised if they pull Toei Broly in the Heroes animation before that.
"Why would he hate Vegeta when he's literally never met him and has had zero interaction with him up intil the events of the movie?"

Why would he hate Goku for just crying for a few hours decades ago when they were infants? And again, if you want to go with "but it's not the crying it's what he associates the crying with" theory then why doesn't he associate Vegeta with this trauma? Vegeta is the son of and has the same name and same face as the man who stabbed Broly and left him for dead as a baby. Either way it makes little sense.

Broly's reason for hating Goku is very, very stupid. Broly hating Vegeta would be way less stupid than him hating Goku regardless of anything. Whether Broly's reasons being stupid are justifiable given that he's crazy I don't think changes the fact that it's still stupid. And that I'd still prefer Broly to have less stupid motivations.
Ryukama said:
"Why would he hate Vegeta when he's literally never met him and has had zero interaction with him up intil the events of the movie?"
Why would he hate Goku for just crying for a few hours decades ago when they were infants? And again, if you want to go with "but it's not the crying it's what he associates the crying with" theory then why doesn't he associate Vegeta with this trauma? Vegeta is the son of and has the same name and same face as the man who stabbed Broly and left him for dead as a baby. Either way it makes little sense.

Broly's reason for hating Goku is very, very stupid. Broly hating Vegeta would be way less stupid than him hating Goku regardless of anything. Whether Broly's reasons being stupid are justifiable given that he's crazy I don't think changes the fact that it's still stupid. And that I'd still prefer Broly to have less stupid motivations.
Dude, King Vegeta didn't personally stab Broly himself. He ordered someone else to do it. And whoever that person is, he's not around to trigger Broly's memory.

That was on the same day he was born. I doubt Broly ever had a chance to personally ever see King Vegeta or his son. So there's no real reason for Broly to make any connection to his stabbing and King Vegeta. Paragus already exists to fit that antagonistic role. Paragus's hatred is entirely conscious. Broly's is entirely subconscious.
TBH I also tried to link the "Goku crying" to the past trauma Broly had and though it was the reason why he hates Goku. like you know, the day he was stabbed and thrown into the space like trash as an infant is the same day Goku kept crying and didn't let him sleep, so he subconsciously associating Goku to his trauma hence why he hates Goku so much.

^ It make sense if you think about it but yeah, it's only fan theory sadly.