I'm bored gonna over Each Gohan MU (mainly the relevant ones ) mainly the most important part the animation potential (cause folks be too obsessed over connections)
starting with my two favs
Animation Potential: pretty damn solid i say, its easy to be worried over Size Differences and all but Ultraman Characters have shown to shapeshift their size and Dragon Ball fighting giant characters isn't something that never happensfrom ultraguy Ive thought about it. Ultraguy did gave his thoughts "Personally, I would start them at the same size, go through some transformations then escalate it to giant Vs beast to emulate the cell max fight"
Tho i feel it have the crew get creative(in a good way)) to cover any w
also Ultraman characters fighting styles can match DBZ styles, so it won't be some Mismash.of styles of a slow brute vs fast fighters
interactions you could definitely playoff the great saiyaman gimmick given its play off its main inspiration of the Sentai aspect with Zero
and you could have gohan trap zero with a Galactic Donut only for Zero to increase to break out of it
Debatablity: the closest you'll get out a Mu with Gohan. Zero has Hax while Gohan Has AP and Speed but Zero could possibly Match him with further research and updates
Animation Potential: Like above its pretty damn good Koga like most SS can match DB characters in terms of transformations and rising escalation. The fight could have be another case of both being friendly with each other and the winner being respectful to the loser at the end.
Debatbiltiy: It really boils down to how DB view SS stats and hax but speed is pretty much on their side of things so Koga kinda has a W on the hand
Koga isn't particularly Haxy (outside Matter Manipulation)
overall Zero and Koga are the best for Gohan Mu ya gonna get