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Rooster Teeth tested Ezio vs Prince of Persia as DBX. They thought it would flip, buy it flopped.So weird that we haven't had an Assassin's Creed rep yet.
Which is indirectly why Torrian eventually left Rooster Teeth.Can't say I blame him for feeling frustrated
When you're biggest claim to fame have been involved in Vs stuff it's hurts when you want other stuff to stand out
(Poor Brandon Yates needs cash for his house and basically his own living, but his non-vs music sells way less than his vs music (and gets less attention) - while he wants to show his other talents.
This is not a good sign if he does not adjust his attitude since this might harm his qualities on his future vs music, which affect his profitability and therefore his capability to make more and better non-vs music... You know how the spiral can go.)
Good rundown,I keep hoping to find out Harley is more than meets than the eye power-wise but she really is just a Street-leveler with a couple of tricks
@JoshDoshMosh @Maverick_Zero_X @Tipper17Inb4 they have her win anyway
Well it would be a battle of Harley's poison against Jinx's resistance against such.
Given Jinx is still slower than Harley Quinn, if Harley's poison kicks in faster than Jinx can resist against the poison (or, just Jinx can bombard against Harley), ... we need to wait for Simon or Terumi or Raidou or Homura or... just someone else to do the job.
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