1. Don’t exactly remember but it was probably Batman vs Spider-Man, at least it’s the earliest I can remember watching.
2. Ganandorf vs Dracula is one I love.
3. Android 18 vs Captain Marvel is just Kinda boring and they use an ability 18 straight up doesn’t have to justify her win.
4. Yoda vs King Mickey is just a perfect episode in every way and a great way to kick off the legacy season.
5. All Might vs Might Guy again this episode is so perfect.
6. Season 5. Was really a toss up between S5 and S6 but S6 has slightly more episodes I dislike.
7. DBX
8. Obi-Wan, the memes were strong with this one.
9. All Might, sad to see my man’s die but he went down standing like a true hero.
10. Luigi, they did my boy dirty and he needs revenge.
11. Steven vs Star. I know it’s not out yet but it’s basically been confirmed at this point.
12. Discord vs Bill Cipher, still need to see this awesome match animated well as DB often does.
13. I guess Luigi vs Tails? They already did Mario vs Sonic rematch so why not this?
14. Watts up Danger
15. Gotta be honest if it doesn’t have lyrics I tune out the background music for the most part.
16. Basically all of the dialogue in All Might vs Might Guy was just
Chef’s Kiss
17. Thanos vs Darkseid given what we know now about how strong the Gauntlet really is.
18. Wiz, I like the mad scientist archetype more than... the red neck gun guy archetype.
19. D.U.M.M.Y. I love his monotone humor.
20. 3D, Death Battle really shines in their 3D fights but I hope their 2D ones get more of a spotlight.
21. There’s a lot of them sure but don’t really have a problem with them.
22. Undertale, there’s a lot of cool fights for those characters but it depends on what DB can do with the limited feats and footage.
23. Rewind Rumble does the best stuff I’ve seen.
24. I mean I could live without it but I really enjoy it, it definitely helped me get started in vs debating.