Amidst relentless rain, the city lay in disarray, its once-vibrant spirit now shrouded in melancholy. Dilapidated structures stood as solemn sentinels, their fractured facades reflecting the decay that time and neglect had imposed. The deluge whispered its sorrow, weaving through the empty streets, where shadows lingered in quiet despair. A symphony of dripping echoes resonated, mirroring the city's muted heartache. Nature and urbanity coalesced, blurring the lines between desolation and beauty, leaving behind a haunting tale etched in every soaked brick and glistening cobblestone, her cries.
In the heart of a weathered metropolis, where time's tears fell relentlessly from ashen skies, the city's façade crumbled, revealing a portrait of melancholic decay: people— or what they used to be... people— weren't no more. Alive was just a playful way to say something about to happen whether they try to or not, a phrase she wants to say even when it held no meaning anymore.
There things. Flesh and bone, muscle and tissue, living organism formed from merging of the bacteria— human.
Lying there, their arms still holding her hands, just as softly as they passed away. Skins melded, clothes into they form, now holding her as if they're still here. Sewn dolls and puppets, a way to spend the night tearing.
"As long as you're walking the right path. Whatever your do..."
The world whispered its requiem through the rustling leaves of shattered trees, like mourners in a cemetery of forgotten dreams.
"...believe in yourself..."