Star Wars Episode 1: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan didn't just destroy the Droid Army outright, and even fled from and evaded the army multiple times.
Star Wars Episode 2: Obi-Wan struggled to fight against Jango Fett and gets captured by Separatists on Geonosis. Anakin struggled against Geonosians and gets captured by Jango Fett and squad of droids. Both of them struggled to survive in the Geonisian arena. Multiple Jedi are killed by Geonosians and droids in the last battle.
Star Wars Episode 3: The Jedi Order is wiped out by the Clone Army.
Star Wars Episode 4: Obi-Wan evades Stormtroopers instead of fighting them directly.
Star Wars Episode 5: Luke is nearly killed by a Wampa Ice Creature, gets shot down over Hoth, gets outmaneuvered by several squads of Stormtroopers and Boba Fett on Bespin.
Star Wars Episode 6: Luke is nearly killed by a Rancor beast, is temporarily ensnared by Boba Fett, gets shot in the hand by a random thug, gets thrown off his speederbike, and generally struggles through the entire film.
Star Wars Episode 7: Kylo Ren gets shot and injured by Chewbacca, Rey evades Stormtroopers instead of directly engaging them.
Star Wars Episode 8: Kylo doesn't just go and wipe out the resistance on Crait by himself, instead using his army and artillery to do the job. Equally, Rey doesn't just obliterate the First Order the instant she arrives, despite being definitively more powerful than Luke.
Star Wars Episode 9: Rey struggles against pursuing stormtroopers more than once, on jetpacks, on vehicles, and so on.
At this point, it seems to me like you just want to ignore the entire context of the movies so that you can claim that average Jedi are literal "one man armies" who can single-handedly destroy a thousand battledroids with only their fists.
Refer to my first point way back.
>it isn't when the star wars universe has hundreds of different writers
with different Interpretations of power
> so that you can claim that average Jedi are literal "one man armies" who can single-handedly destroy a thousand battledroids with only their fists.
Quote me saying "Jedi can single handily take out thousands of droids with only their fist" or me saying "an average Jedi is One Man army"
If you cant then stop punching down a strawman.
> Star Wars Episode 1: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan didn't just destroy the Droid Army outright, and even fled from and evaded the army multiple times.
1. They Fled to warn the Queen of an Impending Invasion and then, later on, returned to fight Darth Maul.
> Star Wars Episode 2: Obi-Wan struggled to fight against Jango Fett and gets captured by Separatists on Geonosis.
in the same scene, he survives a calculated city block level attack from the Slave I
> Star Wars Episode 3: The Jedi Order is wiped out by the Clone Army.
Cool already argued against this.
>Star Wars Episode 4: Obi-Wan evades Stormtroopers instead of fighting them directly.
You mean the Obi-wan who's Objective is to shut down the shields without anyone noticing? you realize Obi wan fighting off stormtroopers would entirely shit on his plan .
> Star Wars Episode 5: Luke is nearly killed by a Wampa Ice Creature, gets shot down over Hoth, gets outmaneuvered by several squads of Stormtroopers and Boba Fett on Bespin.
Do you mean the barely trained Luke that gets caught off guard?
>gets shot down over Hoth
Non Sequitur
gets outmaneuvered by several squads of Stormtroopers and Boba Fett on Bespin.
Doesn't get outmaneuvered, the stormtroopers have knowledge of him coming and purposely move away from him so that he can confront Vader in the carbonite chamber.
>Star Wars Episode 6: Luke is nearly killed by a Rancor beast
Cool, what massive anti feats does this Rancor have?
>is temporarily ensnared by Boba Fett
Explain to me why this is an anti feat.
> generally struggles through the entire film.
and then he defeats Darth Vader, the same guy who murders dozens of Rebels in a hallway and tears apart large steel structures and stops an insane amount of water collapsing on top of him?
> Kylo Ren gets shot and injured by Chewbacca
You mean the same blaster that >>> a normal blaster that did
this Casually.
> Star Wars Episode 8: Kylo doesn't just go and wipe out the resistance on Crait by himself
Why would he?
> despite being definitively more powerful than Luke.
She isn't.
> Rey struggles against pursuing stormtroopers more than once
Literally, in that same scene, she goes on to casually play tug of war with a large transport and then blow it up with her lightning.
Rey doesn't struggle with stormtroopers lol
For Fun here's Rey Casually lifting up a giant sea monster