The biggest one was the eye. Thor losing his eye, was an ode to him becoming or even surpassing Odin. It was a sign of him surviving the trauma of losing his home, his family, and his self and reinvent everything. They gave him a fake eye. Symbolism gone so he can look pretty.
Next was the hammer. It was specifically stated that Thor didn't need to use the hammer. It was his training wheels. He was stronger without and was using his powers like crazy. In new and invented ways. (hello that lightning corkscrew). Instead of him growing stronger and learning to use his powers more, and even gain more powers and hone his new fighting style, they gave him a bigger hammer (axe). They even had him get his old hammer back, (which i guess was more for captain america's sake and thor looking cool fighting with two hammres)
Then, after he lost to thanos, he just drinks and plays fornight all day? Thor the warrior? He's not out there looking for Thanos. He's not trying to fight of his grief by fighting. (like Hawkeye) He's not kicking ass across different planets trying to drown his sorrows in bloodshed?
Fat thor was interesting, and fun. But I honestly wished they'd take him a bit more serious.