@LordNidhoggr even though Bowser is currently marked as Extraordinary Genius, from reading his page it seems out of his realm of expertise to create worlds/realms with entire histories to them like Bob-omb battlefield, hell he wasn't even aware of other power stars in 64. That's also to mention that there are NPCs who try to help Mario, Occum's Razor would suggest that these worlds existed beforehand and Bowser invaded and took them over instead of creating them outright. You would have to make so many leaps and bounds in logic to justify how Bowser can create worlds with their own histories. And why would Bowser make minions to support Mario, he's basically sabotaging himself.
And also, in previous threads, it has been suggested that the Power Stars aren't creating the worlds but instead allowing Bowser to immerge into the paintings, the Japanese text even supports this by using 'つかって' which is an inflection of 'つかる' (to immerge/to be submerged/to be soaked)