It is quite fascinating how currently no one uses the practical usage of the groups, instead focusing on the lore aspect. Which i dont mind at all, but still noteworthy. I will just repeat what i already explained regarding the groups, just to make sure that you people know you can do that:
Group members will NOT fight with each other until necessary, meaning that no enemy from another group is left. The tactical reasoning behind this is that it allows you to activily prevent certain matchups happens, until it becomes unavoidable. For example, your character A is on the weaker side, and while you believe that he should be able to contend with most characters present, you know your character will lose against character B. Thus, it is adviseable to join the same group as character B, as this guarantees that Character A wont have to fight B for the first to second round.
Again, you don't HAVE to use the system like this. If lore and fun is more important than hell yeah, I DID put effort into this whole scenario. Its a possibility, and something people with characters on the weaker side can consider should they desire so.
That said, the Rouché family has only 1 spot left, to keep up balance. A group can at max have 6 members, while the other groups will have 5.