Hi I just started writing about year ago. The story is about how the main character goes adventuring in the skys. This is supposed to be a manga/series. Here is a small excerpt and if I need to improve please tell me what I need to fix.In the shadows crawls a person, young but skinny, loving but evil. Originally his world was a great flourishing world teeming with happiness and life. Alas not even happiness and life will last forever, like a flower it will slowly grow but will eventually shrivel up and disappear like it was never there in the first place. What tragedy befell his world you might ask? It sounded like a simple plight of mortals, war, but it wasn't started due to hunger for territories, glory, power, revenge, riches, or anything else for that matter. It was for survival against the opposition, a single entity that went by the name Q. The mortals fought with cold hard determination and valor but, these things won't get you far when you face an opponent that is has overcome every inhibitor, limits, and even passed the never ending staircase to infinity. The war was short and quick, at first Q didn't bother to do anything because he wanted to give his foes a chance before he crushes them underneath his feet, although after a month Q's patience has all but disappeared and desired to end it quickly, he rose his hand up to the sky and flicked his wrist downward. As a response to his command a meteor shot down from the sky hurtling towards its designated target like a puppet only to be manipulated. Thus concluded the war between the mortals and the "God" Q. The man finally finished reflecting on what happened in the past two months or so. The world he loved and knew had been in shambles ever since this happened. He thought what was the point of that war? To instill suffering? pain? hatred? depression? anger? to prove the dichotomy between us and puppets are not even there?