Going to post stuff related to the Aeldari Craftworld Codex:
There is no force in the galaxy that can manipulate the future as can the Aeldari, yet they are not alone in their ability to do so. The Dark Gods too have servants that can weave the skeins of fate, foremost amongst them the sorcerous minions of Tzeentch. When battle with such foes is joined, the victor alone will be able to twist destiny to their own designs.
This line is written beneath the art showing Eldrad fighting the Daemon Primarch Magnus... And considering how Eldrad is still alive, it's a safe bet that he beat Magnus in his own game.
Lost in the vastness of space, the craftworlds float in utter isolation like scattered jewels upon a pall of velvet. Distant from the warmth of sun or planet, their domes gaze into the darkness of empty space. Inner lights glisten like phosphorus through semi-transparent surfaces. Within them live the survivors of a civilisation abandoned aeons ago amidst terrifying destruction. These are the Aeldari, a race that is all but extinct, the last remnants of a people whose mere dreams once overturned worlds and quenched suns.
Description of current Eldar and reference to the power of the ancient Aeldari.
To understand the Aeldari empire's plunge from zenith to nadir, one must first learn of their fickle nature. In appearance they are like unto humans, although the comparison can only be made on a superficial basis, for in their minds and souls the Aeldari are truly alien. The Aeldari stand taller than a man, with longer, cleaner limbs and handsome, striking features. Their skin is pale and unblemished as polished marble, yet with a surprisingly supple strength hiding beneath it. Their keen ears are pointed and their slanted eyes possess a penetrating quality more akin to that of a hunting cat than a man. The most fundamental difference can be seen when the Aeldari move, for they each radiate an inhuman elegance and poise. This is especially evident in the sinuous grace with which they fight and the dexterity with which they wield their weaponry. Every gesture is laden with subtle intent, and their reflexes are dazzlingly fast. A casual, languid gesture can end in a pinpoint thrust should the necessity arise.
On closer inspection, every aspect of the Aeldari physiology betrays their alien nature. Their hearts beat at twice the speed of a human's, and their minds race through possibilities and process emotions so fast that the brightest geniuses of human history appear dull by comparison. Even their lives are greater in span ― the Aeldari enjoy an existence of rich sensation and wonder that can stretch over millennia, unsullied by illness, frailty or disease.
Beyond these physical superiorities, each of their race is also psychic to one extent or another; it is said the ancient Aeldari could read thoughts at a glance, whilst those who trained their minds for war could crush a foe's weapon with a simple narrowing of the eyes. Even the complex technology of the craftworlds is based upon psychic engineering, the manipulation of and creation of matter using mental energies alone. But such raw power has its price.
Description of the Aeldari physically, mentally, and psychically.
At their peak, nothing was beyond the Aeldari's reach and nothing was forbidden. The ancient race continued their glorious existence unaware or unwilling to acknowledge the dark fate that awaited them. They plied the stars at will, experiencing the wonders of the galaxy and immersing themselves completely in the endless sensations that it offered them. Such was the technological mastery of the Aeldari that worlds were created specifically for their pleasure, and stars lived or died at their whim.
Another quote showing that the ancient Aeldari were a race of Reality Warpers who created worlds and destroyed stars on a whim.
There were, of course, many wars. Even when the galaxy was young there were upstart races seeking to gouge out petty empires of their own, and the Aeldari waged wars against the sprawling Necron dynasties that ravaged dozens of star systems and cost trillions of lives. Most of these conflicts, though, were so short-lived that the ease of their victory left the Aeldari ever more sure of their ascendancy. Even the greatest of all their wars, known in the mythic cycles of the craftworlds as the War in Heaven, did not humble them. In their hearts the Aeldari reigned supreme, and no other power could end their dominance.
Reference to the War in Heaven.
The Aeldari cling tenaciously to their folklore and traditions. The characters and events of legend are commonly discussed and comparisons drawn between mythic events and those of the present day. Every Aeldari is familiar with the epic songs and dances that form their mythic cycles, and references to these tales are immediately understood by others of their race.
The principal characters of the mythic cycles are the gods, their mortal descendants the Aeldari, and the monstrous adversaries they fought. The chief and oldest of all the gods is Asuryan, the Phoenix King. His first brother is Kaela Mensha Khaine, the Bloody-Handed God. Khaine is the master of both war and murder, and he symbolises wanton destruction and martial prowess. Third of the greatest gods is Vaul, the crippled smith god who is often depicted chained to his own anvil. Isha is the goddess of the harvest, from whom the Aeldari race is descended. The youngest goddess is Lileath the Maiden, mistress of dreams and fortune, whilst the third of the trinity of Aeldari goddesses is Morai-Heg the Crone, an ancient and withered creature who holds the fates of mortals inside a rune pouch made of skin.
As well as the many gods there are countless mortal heroes descended from the gods, who founded the great houses still echoed today upon the craftworlds. These include the great hero Eldanesh, who was slain by Khaine and whose blood is said to drip from his hands. Eldanesh had many descendants, the Eldanar, of whom Inriam the Young was the last. Rivals to Eldanesh were the descendants of his brother Ulthanash, whose bloodline exists upon craftworld Iyanden to this day.
Section talking of Aeldari Mythology. Interesting that Vaul is considered the third strongest male god, which makes sense, given he fought Khaine.
Within the warp, thoughts and emotions flow together, fed by fellow feelings until they achieve a consciousness of sorts. They become entities of greater or lesser potency depending on the intensity of their origin. Amidst the swirling psychic energy of the empyrean, the corruption of the decadent Aeldari became manifest on a horrifying scale as the flood of raw emotions coalesced into a gestalt consciousness.
What an unimaginably foul and sickening thing it was that the Aeldari unknowingly raised in the warp; it was a dire shadow of themselves, of what they had become, of nobility and pride brought low by perversity and shamelessness. Worlds burned as the Aeldari slew and laughed and feasted upon the corpses of the dead. Slowly, the Great Enemy stirred towards wakefulness. Too late, the Aeldari realised that they had created a god in their own image, a god grown immense and potent by suckling upon the dark fodder of the Aeldari spirit. No creature was ever conceived that was as terrible or perverse as the Chaos God Slaanesh. It is a name the Aeldari will not speak, instead whispering Sai'lanthresh, translatable as 'She Who Thirsts'.
When Slaanesh finally burst into divine consciousness, there was not one Aeldari alive who did not feel its claws in his soul. With a howl of raw power, Slaanesh roared into supernatural life. A psychic implosion tore at the universe. Countless billions of Aeldari screamed aloud and fell dead. In a heartbeat, the shining Aeldari civilisation that had lasted for aeons had its heart ripped out, leaving a pulsing afterbirth of pure chaos in its place. The spirits of the Aeldari were drawn from within them and consumed as their blasphemous creation took its first infernal breath. Intoxicated with this draught, Slaanesh laughed and looked upon a universe ripe for the taking.
Section talking about the birth of Slaanesh. I also think this is the first time Slaanesh's real name was given, Sai'lanthresh. Presumably, Slaanesh is a butchered translation into Imperial Gothic.
The epicentre of the psychic apocalypse lay within the gilded heart of the Aeldari realms. All Aeldari within thousands of light years were reduced to lifeless husks, their souls forever claimed. Even those who had foreseen the catastrophe and fled upon the craftworlds were overwhelmed, with only those furthest from the devastation surviving. The remote Exodite worlds remained largely untouched, but within the space of a single moment, the Aeldari had become a doomed people. Their nemesis was born and would hunt them for the rest of eternity.
Though the psychic shockwave focused upon the Aeldari, billions of humans, Orks and creatures from other races were obliterated as well. Warp space convulsed as a cosmic hurricane raged across the galaxy. The fabric of reality was torn apart and the warp spilled from the dimensional rift into the material universe, turning hope into despair and paradise into hell. Psykers of all races howled with pain as their people died in storms of blood and madness.
The roiling wound in realspace spread outward until it completely encompassed the Aeldari realms of old. This gaping lesion would come to be known as the Eye of Terror, and until its size and horrors were surpassed by the Great Rift, it stood as the largest area in the galaxy where the warp and the material universe overlap. Within its reaches Daemons bathe in the raw energy of the warp, whilst Daemon Princes and the worshippers of Chaos rule over Aeldari planets turned into nightmare worlds of fire and darkness.
Eye of Terror stuff. Nothing new. But I like that detail that there are Daemon Princes ruling over what used to be Aeldari worlds (Chaos Eldar hype)
In the darkness of space, those who escaped destruction upon the craftworlds cling to what remains of the culture of the fallen Aeldari empire. They consider themselves the true children of Asuryan, preserving the art and architecture of their people and passing their ancient history from generation to generation via song, dance and the recital of myths and parables. Aboard their continent-sized vessels, these fragments of the Aeldari race sail the sea of stars, always seeking to stay one step ahead of She Who Thirsts. Thisis primarily achieved through the use of spirit stones; when an Asuryani dies, their soul is captured in a waystone, a precious gem worn for such a purpose. The spirit stone is then retrieved from the fallen Aeldari and released into the infinity circuit ― the psychic power grid that runs through the wraithbone core of every craftworld. In such a way the spirits live on, safe from the horrors of the warp and in a twilight existence that allows the dead to watch over the living.
Clarification that Crafworlds are the size of continents, which I can buy.
At the moment of its birth, Slaanesh decimated the Aeldari pantheon and stole the gods' power, with only two of their number surviving the Fall. The Laughing God Cegorach escaped through guile, while Kaela Mensha Khaine, the strongest and most warlike of the Aeldari deities, endured through might. Slaanesh and the Bloody-Handed God fought a titanic battle in the warp, and despite Khaine's mastery of war, Slaanesh, glutted with stolen power, eventually proved the stronger. Exhausted from the struggle, Slaanesh could not destroy the Aeldari god completely. Instead, Khaine was rent into fragments. Each shard came to rest within the wraithbone core of a craftworld, where it took root and grew into an Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God. To this day, these murderous Avatars of Khaine are still awoken to lead the Asuryani to war.
Khaine vs Slaanesh description.
Much, much, much more to be posted.