Neutral for dream team stuff, leading to agreeing
but for mario party 5:
We see the orbs are in a constant movement and there are
transition between scenes(fade in,fade out effect) so this honestly just means orbs are reshowing again as simple as that,nothing shows, implies or indicates that they are spliting, and this kind of argument requires good evidence tbh, also no this is not what the dream depot stores here is why:
bowser when he arrived to dream depot he said this:
"So this is Dream Depot....a world created from everybody's dreams..."
and then he started going from a dream (
such as pirate dream) to a another, and nothing is said about "the splitted dreams" or anything related, meaning the dream depot stores the actual dreams rather than the fragments
Adding on that Misstar already calling them the dream worlds:
All of that mean that dream depot stores the actual dreams rather than its fragments (idk where that conclusion even came from)
Also Future dream is already stated to be infinite in size so its fragments would be infinite anyways(Also infinite obviously refers to space, the dream world is literally space)