Not true lol, Alexandre de Moraes (that stoooopid judge) is arresting his political enemies since years ago, he tried to shutdown telegram some years ago cuz telegram didnt banned his political enemies, although telegram gave up and banned them so Alexandre de Moraes didnt banned Telegram.
However, his enemies were also using twitter so he tried to ban twitter, but Twitter refused so Alexandre de Moraes tried to persecute twitter's representatives, Elon didnt want that so he removed all representatives, and then, Alexandre banned Twitter cuz according to some stupid law, if something lacks an official representative it is not allowed in Brazil (although a lot of sh1ts here lacks representatives but NOBODY GIVES A FVKC, they only started to care about it when they noticed that they could persecute their enemies)
We have a lot of illegal gambling cr
аps here (with no official representative, ofc) and no politician nor Alexandre de Moraes gave a FVCK because nobody cares about it, anyways, they will never find me because i'm using Twitter from the middle of Amazon and my indigenous folks and jaguar pets are going to protect me