That still isn't consistent with what happened. Takemichi would have seen Draken running since he already has subsonic reactions and was looking back at the shooter if he was approaching. Senju came from the direction of the
restaurant which shows Draken could have only came from the left side because the panels show the other buildings
blocking any other direction. Takemichi would have seen him. Once the
gun is fired Takemichi then looks away AFTER shots fire to brace for impact then we see Draken
slap the gun away after taking the 3 shots. He didnt appear from behind neither because it wouldnt make sense for him to bypass 4 people with Takemichi never seeing him run. He only looks away after the gun is fired
Takemichi has subsonic reactions and should have called out to him to stay back since his face was looking in the only direction Draken could have
appeared. Takemichi can react to people even faster than Draken. Like Kakcuh
Draken landed multiple hits on South. South also landed multiple hits on Dark Impulse Mikey who was supersonic+ 2 years before the fight started. South should be upscaled to comparable to Mikey. Only the upper tiers of TR have hit South, not even Kakucho has hit him.
Again lol, the
panels show that Draken appears after the gun is shot to intercept the 3 projectiles, then in a seperate
panel (mid right)
He's punches the shooter
knocking him out gun out of his hand AFTER he already intercepted the bullets he aimed for. Senju should also upscale higher than Takemichi and should have noticed him by that point as well since
she's sitting up looking at Draken.