Well, I don't think Vega and Dino will be enough for this expedition, as Diablo is there, I think something else will happen for the Feldway side, besides, I'm curious for the next move from Feldway, he's definitely lost any sense of sanity, but I don't think he's going to ultimately destroy the world, this was just a distraction, not least because he wants to preserve the world of Veldanava and eliminate only those who live there
I think Fenn, Dagruel and Glassord can merge and take on Veldora, Fenn was having work with Ultima and Adalman/Wenti and Glassord was held up by Albert so I don't think they will be much Useful in battle if they don't merge, on the other hand, Veldora is absurd, I don't think Dagruel can handle it, Ramiris I think she should be able to really calm Milim down again, I don't see anyone else there free to do that, Guy is busy with Velzard, Veldora with Dagruel, Velgrynd wouldn't be able to besides that the planet wouldn't resist, we have Chloe who can reverse Milim even when she was calm too, but the options to stop Milim are few