CrimsonStarFallen said:
I look at the Hams- Viatnam flashbacks to the cooking trial*
"Oh no. Nonononono. No. No! No!"
I immediatly release all my treasury towards the Hamster, covering all of them with elemental properties, including the black flame.
I also atempt to use Steroids Pokeball on him, while my 10 other clones bombard him with space-cutting attacks or energy blasts, hitting the soul.
I also have a clone use a new piece of tech, a Extreme Water Gun. He shoots him, releasing a MFTL+ water jet that, in hit, will: paralyse, give supernatural diseases, instantly kill, freeze him in time, and rot hin down to the molecular level.
The hamster ******* dies.
Junkoposter said:
Uber teleports high into the sky, she continues to lazily lay on her gap. An absolutely huge gap opens over the army, a moon gets yeeted out of it at MFTL+ speeds.
The speed boss rides straight into the moon, bursting it into millions of smaller pieces which continue to rain down on both sides of the battlefield. He continues heading in that direction.
Hl3 or bust said:
My responce to this shitton of new attacks is to simply teleport very far away. Like, several parsecs away. Immediately afterward, and after fusing all of my Power Suit's blasters into one and increasing the projectile count to the trillions, I spam blasts back at the trial people's general direction.
Meanwhile, the other me's patch out all of my previous weaknesses before spamming neon, smoke, video, concrete, Almighty, elemental, and gun attacks, all of which are modified to trigger an ludicrous amount of times, at the trial people.
All of these attacks are aimed and fired at predicted locations where the target's might otherwise dodge or move into, as well as just straight at them.
The barrage of attacks hammer the enemy along with the pieces of the moon, taking out a number of foes. Most of the guardians either dodge or reflect the attacks while some of the ferrets begin firing blasts from their mouths into the sky to intercept yours.
Suddenly the Speed Boss rams his motorcycle into you, dealing little to no considerable damage, but dragging you several billion gigaparsecs away from the battlefield before you can even process what's happening.
He continues dragging you along.
Silas Clashes blades with the king while attacks rain down around them.
The king laughs before exclaiming, "Even now, you continue to grow in strength! Will you profess it to the world or will this place become your grave?"
Some of the ferrets get corrupted and start fighting each other, but the guardians are immune.
The and Griffin's armies clash with the opposition as Genesis and Shura Mandala blow through many of the enemies.
Speed's secretary tosses some kind of card at the silver wolf, causing it to be sealed inside, while Wisdom's Owl casts some kind of spell to trap Jackson and Genesis inside of some strange dimension surrounded by absolute darkness.
You notice the man from the Patience trial sipping tea right next to you as if he'd been there all along.
He takes a long sip from his mug before saying, "Hello, Stranger. You seem to be having a particularly hard time compared to everyone else. Maybe talking about the issue over a nice cup of tea will help."
Monarch Laciel said:
What is Alpha's full name? One possibility questions the universe, using my cosmic awareness of the true names of all beings
Another possibility concentrates on seeing his lines of death.
His lines of death are clearly visible.
In the possibilitie(s) that discover Alpha's true name, he simply changes that name to something else.
Alpha's full attention is on Griffin. As he's now unimpeded unlike before, he's able to counter Griffin's infinite possibilities rather easily with his own infinite responses, though he delegates most of these responses to pure defense.
Griffin suddenly feels a remote attack by Alpha, which is burning away his very concept.
"What are you-"
Blane begins to glow with an aura that's similar, but still different than either Kuro or Kura's and Realm is easily coated with it.
"You're amazing! but..." he nearly falls over.
The darkness inside of Realm becomes aware and starts trying to kill him rather than let go. It begins tearing at his soul, but another strong push from Blane is all it takes to drive the remaining Darkness out.
When all is said and done, Realm looks at Blane in disbelief.
"You, how did you..?"
After utilizing the aura, Blane's senses have seemingly increased, allowing him to sense his comrades fighting outside, as well as ambient levels of Darkness and corruption. Realm seems to have been restored completely.