"We wanted to know if there were any... instructions you had for us," Towa said, "After all, when we meet in the future, we do join your side. Should there be anything you'd like for us to do..."
"It'd be in our best interest to know and execute it." Masayoshi continued.
What would I like for you to do? Hm..." Kill-Gaia, covered in shadows gently placed his hands on Masayoshi and Towa's cheeks, gently rubbing them. The crescent moon smile on his face slowly faded.
Tell me, what would you like to do?"
Belial continued to hold the singularity in place, stabilizing it, which significantly slowed down the mutating effects of the energy that it released. It was hard, but nothing he couldn't handle, the problem was something far more concerning...
"Mother, please... Calm down. You require help." He spoke to his mother from outside of her seal, feeling the pressure of her attempts to break out significantly hindering his ability to keep the singularity under control. "I know you are upset, but please, calm down."
UGGGHHHHH! LET ME OUT! I KNOW Valdagyðja IS OUT THERE! I CAN SMELL HER! HOW DARE YOU ****-BLOCK ME!?" Rory screamed from the inside of the seal as she slammed against the wall to no avail. "Jesus christ Belial, just tell me what's going on..."
She simply sat on the floor, sighing. "What did I even do? How can I help? I can't just keep sitting here the entire time..." She ruffled her hair, bored, and concerned about the events outside. "Just. Tell. Me."
"You've been saying that for hours! What does that mean!?" The girl who looked nearly exactly like Rory had been giving that answer whenever Rory asked what the problem was, and it was getting annoying.
Put two and two together. An Apoptosis is a self-destruction cell. Now, use your head.
"Alright then. An Apoptosis is a self-destruction cell... I
apparently caused the chaos that's going on. So..."
You're getting warmer..."
"So, if I have this down correctly... The world is killing itself because I'm around?" Rory covered her mouth, a bead of sweat rolling down her face as the girl gave Rory an answer.
Bingo. Your very existence is a cue for the world to begin the end times. The meteorite, calamities, all of it is due to your existence. The world wants to die, your meant to make it so." Rory uncovered her mouth and yelled out.
"First off, why do I have to be the one!? Second off, how the hell do you know all of this?!"
I myself wonder. Perhaps I am your nature brought into form, or perhaps I'm a demon sent to confuse you? Who knows?"
Rory sighed as she ruffled her hair, staring at the girl who appeared to be Rory's own spitting image with soft malice. "If what your saying is true... Then what the hell should I do?"
The girl shrugged, "
Accept it? That's pretty much all you can do. Belial isn't going to let you out without answers, answers he can't get yet. So... The best course of action is to act."
Rory tilted her head, "And what exactly should I act on? I'm sealed. Everybody is suspicious of me. There isn't anything I can do to help..." The girl smirked, crossing her arms.
Now, is that Rory the 6th or somebody else? The real Rory doesn't quit. She can't. She'd rather die than do so. Now is the time to show the multiverse your power." The girl stood up, walking over to Rory while calmly kneeling down to her. "...
She cupped Rory's right cheek in her hand, speaking softly. "
Tell me, have you ever felt like the world would be better off if it just... Didn't exist?" Rory's eyes widened. "What..?"
Think. Existence creates life, life creates desire, desire and emotions create calamities. It creates chaos gods like Seth, it creates psychopaths like Kill-Gaia and Horus, it creates obsessions such as Yharim's, it creates idealists like King Tiger." Rory shook the girl away, standing up.
"So what the hell are you trying to say?" Rory asked, causing a crescent moon smile to form on the girl's face... "
Existence creates desire. Desire is poison. It'd be better to erase it. Come on now, Rory." They simply stared into each other's eyes..
Let's become a nightmare within this dream!" Rory shoved the girl away, "You think I'd agree to something like that? I don't break that easily. I'm not gonna destroy existence like that... But, it isn't like I disagree. Things need to change."
Well, that was a bust." Suddenly, Rory froze in place, trembling violently. "What the hell is this!?" The girl chuckled, "
You can't run from your nature, Rory. It's simply who you are."
Rory's body was slowly being coated with a black tar-like substance... Starting from her feet and up her legs to her torso. "Ew... What is this stuff? Get it off! If this is some weird foreplay I'm not into it!" Rory could feel her muscles loosen and her mind slip away. Literally, it felt like her mind was being removed from her body, replaced with something else...
"Ah- Ah.. ****..." Rory's eyes went black as she was consumed by the tar, sinking into the floor along with the dark substance that dragged her into the depths of another dimension. "
It's time..."
Belial could feel the resistance from Rory fade away, which allowed him to focus more on the task at hand. "Good... It looks like she's finally calmed down, This will be a lot easier on me then."
Belial was able to focus on sustaining the singularity far easier now, making the effects of the mutations on the people that the group were fighting.
(God, I love writing dialogue so ******* much.)