"What makes you think we can help you find purpose?" Yamato asked him, "Is this your best attempt of joining the Sanmuyūbyōsha?"
"The what?" Zonolo asked.
"The Sanmuyūbyōsha. We're like a weird team of sorts, so I figured we needed a name to be known and feared by..."
"Maybe we should save the names for later..."
"You and Zonolo are some of the most resolute and purpose-driven individuals I have ever encountered. I could learn from you in that regard," Mira responded, "And if I must join the group of yours to get a step closer to finding my purpose, then I will."
Boros looked at Mira, an immense aura coming off the android.
"His power is immense..." Boros said, "He would be a great ally to have by our side, and what he's asking for doesn't appear to be much in exchange for what he has to offer...."
"I guess we could help you out with that..." Zonolo said to Mira, "I don't know how to do that, but we can figure something out..."
Mira nodded, and Zonolo turned toward Yamato.
"I think we're gonna need a new team name. 'San' is 'three', and now we have four."
"How about Mugen Muyūbyōsha? That covers any number of people we have on our team...."
"I guess that works. Now, let's go. I can't think of anything else to do here...."
"I could provide a means of training for you all," Mira said, creating a portal to another dimension, "Follow me."
The group walked through the portal which closed behind them.
Meanwhile, a woman peered into a book, sitting in a chair white chair in a white room with her legs crossed. It had an infinite number of pages, the current ones empty, but rapidly filling themselves with information. She closed the book, which seemed to turn into a mist that was absorbed by her body. The woman got up, turning to walk out of the room. Reaching what appeared to be a wall, she took a step forward, the wall opening to let her through. She looks onward at a realm that seemed to expand infinitely. Looking down on the area, she smiles, descending downward through steps that manifest under her feet to allow her to descend.
(Imagine the area looks like this, but all white and in a white void, and the statues are of the aforementioned woman: )
"Marvelous, new chapters in the story, accumulating every second..." She said, "I can't wait to see how it ends..."