Order's Bastion theme (Don't judge me lol)
The gates slowly opened outward revealing a city that was truly prospering, in fact one could even call it a utopia, each milimeter of the city had a purpose, whether it be housing, a road, a park, a shop, a school, and many other purposes, Golden soldiers lined the streets to protect the citizens that performed a variety of tasks, it was clear that this was an utter stronghold of a city, with a military might that rivaled even Archaon and Urial's. An inpenetrable defense without extreme military power
A woman whom was dressed in a red cloth lined with a golden trim was speaking to a guard before turning to Rory, her entire outfit from boots to shoulder pieces to her witch's hat itself clearly being an enchanted armor of some kind, a ponytail waved in the wind behind the woman as she met up with Rory and Pandora and spoke
"So you two are here to have an audience with Yharim. whatever the case is it should be quite a show with a Monarchist next to you. My name is Eonara by the way." Eonara said in a interested tone, but didn't invite any explanations before leading them through the city and into the temple, which was even more heavily defended then the rest of the city, there wasn't a square inch of the interior or extierior that could not be seen by a guard, enchantments lined the golden walls which were surprisingly easy on the eyes, with a red carpet leading them to massive double doors
"If you are feeling like turning back now is the last chance. Nobody would blame you here." Eonara said, her tone the same as before