Im not scaling that to them, Im saying 4-C feats are low bc the verse has many L1C feats
God-Tiers of the verse scaling to Low 1-C has nothing to do with 4-C being an outlier for the low-tiers/mid-tiers of the verse. I asked basically the same question yesterday about Bleach and
I got this response from a staff member.
Garmadon, Iron Doom (Doesn't have a profile yet but he's Low 1-C)
1. Was the Iron Doom being Low 1-C ever accepted
2. Garmadon's scaling to Low 1-C is already iffy since the only reason for him scaling to that is because of him saying
his powers are the only ones capable of battling back The Oni (the justification mentions that he could battle the entier oni army which isn't stated) and because
the oni would eventually cover the realms in darkness (the justification mentions that they would destroy all the realms which isn't true, we literally see in both the book that wu is reading and in the series that the so called "destruction" of the realms is covering them in darkness which obviously isn't a Low 1-C feat). Also you can't say that the ninja are 4-C because they tanked Low 1-C attacks, if they tanked such attacks they would be Low 1-C (which is again a massive outlier)
We are just going in circles. I asked you to state a feat that is remotely close to the Star creation feat and Dimension feat in term of scaling and you mention Lloyd having the power of the Golden Weapons which relies on the star creation feat being 4-C. You're just saying a feat isn't an outlier because a character has the power of the objects that preformed the feat (he doesn't have any other feat remotely close to 4-C that can be used to scale him other than the Dimension Creation feat)
Bc they all follow a consistant scaling chain like here? Ninjas consistanly fights on par with people comparable to their own dura, yet somehow its "an outlier" bc "they don't blow up stars outside a fight" ...
That's not my argument...
Imagine a verse where we have a group of characters consistently scaling to tiers around city level and many feats on that level with no feats that would scale much higher than that then suddenly a weapon in that verse destroys a star and this group of characters (the same versions) survive blasts from that weapon and the characters fight many characters that would scale to them. No imagine that even after this event basically no other feat that appears in hundreds of episodes even comes remotely close to it and the scale of feats return to city level. Would you say this isn't an outlier because they fight characters equal to them and because
there is a scaling chain that originated from that feat? Obviously not as this would be a textbook outlier.
If we take in account the established scaling chain, no its not inconsistant at all, which is you're main argument? And are we seriously using Kai using Boreal as a city block calc, the same dragon who scale to a guy who frooze a whole planet?
1. We have no reason to scale boreal to Zane, he is simply a dragon he created
2. Creating an eternal winter in a planet is very different from freezing a planet. Also freezing a planet isn't as impressive as you think, it's only impressive if the entire atmosphere of the planet is frozen or if the planet is frozen to its core as shown
here (Also I'm pretty sure that the planet in the realm of Ninjago is smaller than earth and since the Neverrealm is a realm parallel to Ninjago its main planet should have the same size)