That snake is on Wu's lvl of speed, who can consistanly react to Spinjitzu in base like
here and
So it's a contradiction because when the snake uses Spinjitzu he doesn't blitz the other Spinjitzu users. By your logic his Spinjitzu should have made him 100x faster than the other 4 ninja
Same snakes get speedblitzed by the Ninjas like
Ironically we literally see one of the snakes turn their head around towards the Spinjitzu as it goes towards him. Proving he can both percieve it and move in relation to it, when a 100x speed amp should make it completely invisible.
Mind the difference between an average human sprinting speed and the speed of sound is only around 54x so the difference between the snake and the Spinjitzu should be like the difference between a human and a bullet, yet he perceived it and even moved before it hit him.
Again they're visibly moving as the Spinjitzu comes near them.
Funnily enough that's not even proof of the Spinjitzu blitzing the snakes since they literally had nowhere to go as they were stuck on a thin staircase. You once again just showed evidence against it being a 100x multiplier.
Pythor is the Ninjas level in Speed, hell
he ended up speedblitzed Nya here,
That's not speed blitzing that's outpacing since she clearly dodged the first attack.
Blitzing is different than outpacing, where a character is simply faster than the other. A blitz is more like an all around outclassing in speed.
Lacks the combat speed to even do anything anyways
I don’t care....?
Point is that they're fighting something that should be to them as fast as 2x the speed of sound to normal humans and they can clearly percieve it and even put themselves into a fighting stance before it reaches them from a relatively short distance.
That doesn't contradict a general speed amp but it completely contradicts a 100x speed amp.
So? That doesn't mean anything by itself.
And are you implying Anacondrai in general are 100x faster than base ninja? Why didn't they perception blitz them before they even used Spinjitzu to begin with then?
Same opponent with the element of Time and Time Acceleration Hax?
Yep, I don't see how that's any relevant to him perceiving something that should be 100x faster than him. Unless he scales 100x above-mentioned the ninja where again, he would have perception blitzed them before they even used Spinjitzu to begin with.
By an EM on his lvl of speed
Cool, that means Kai should have perception blitzed him if it was a 100x amp and if the EM scales to Spinjitzu Kai he should have perception blitzed Kai before he even activated Spinjitzu.
95% of your examples are done by people who are faster than the Ninjas or on par with Wu
No, most of the examples are fodder grunts.
But assuming they are equal to Spinjitzu amped ninja, why aren't they perception blitzing them? I mean they should be literally 100x faster.
Show us an example of Skeletons having a combat speed reletive to Spinjitzu users (non-existent)
1:09 2 skeletons see an incoming Spinjitzu amped Zane and can percieve him and run away
specified combat speed for some reason but if Spinjitzu is a 100x speed amp then it should also amp their travel speed by equal amount. Unless you're saying the amp doesn't affect movement/travel speed in which case it would only be a very
limited speed amp, and the justification for the 100x number wouldn't fit.