I know this could sound bad, but because this is a scaling chain about authorities instead of power itself, shouldn't be possible to make a scaling chain based only in the amount of god of each tier? I mean, if mid tier divinity isn't affected by low tier divinity, isn't possible to count the amount of low tier divinities and base on it the amount of resistance? For example, if the amount of low tier gods is 10, then the position of mid tier gods would be 11, and if there are 22 mid tier gods, the position in the chain of high gods would be 33 in the scaling chain, and the composition gods are above all the gods that exist that aren't of even a higher tier than them.
I know this is a proposition very simple, but I see it as the best way to make a scaling chain based only in the tier of gods without mix it with the power itself of each individual, because as far I know the hieracy of gods in Fate is strict in the senses that lower gods don't have the right to oppose higher gods ignoring the power of the respective gods. That's if I'm not wrong even the reason as to why even though Zeus was more powerful than Quirinus, he couldn't win against it when the things were changed to the pantheon of Quirinus.
After that it can be discussed if wanted the position of each god in the same tier of divinity to adjust the minor details of the hierarchy, but I can see this leading again to a debate of the power itself of the characters instead of the scaling of divinity, so I don't recommend this.