Yeah, to be perfectly honest, I no longer have the mental fortitude and stamina to endure both a rocky drafting process AND actual thread for these revisions.
I understand that a lot of you wanna be involved in the drafting process and all that, and I appreciate that, but y'know....too many cooks in the kitchen and allat. Having a singular vision makes the actual process of working on these much more pleasant, and in my experience churns out a pretty decent product if I do say so myself.
And in the end, the thread's posted, and everyone gets a chance to say their piece, as they should ofc.
Is it a perfect formula? Nah, but it sorta kinda seems to be working lol.
Only downside is that I'm slow as shit, but I like to think I'm a quality over quantity kind of guy. But tbf, it's not like y'all are any better, I left for a year and y'all did NADA.