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- 57
Good for you, before JP, all I knew were European languages, so kanji as and still is a pain. I am personally a fan of mnemonics, so most of those systems don't work for me. Also, obligatory Hanahira as the first untranslated VN mention.I just took that as an example lol. But it depends what you wanna use. I don't use any of them because I already know Kanji's because I am Chinese myself, it was a waste of time for me to indulge in that, so I just went straight to Anki decks, I used a bit of Wanikani but now that i think about it, it was a waste of time and money.
Just jump to reading and reading nukige's.
You just naturally become better.
Btw. speaking about power levels aka a topic more fitting the nature of this forums, which JP franchises comes the closest to Shinzo (besides Umineko)?