Alright, slow down there.
"Iron man can't be 5-A because you can make Aunt May 1-A" is absolutely ridiculous, and you know it's ridiculous. As detailed above, Iron man has very consistent feats, and using a scaling chain that compeltely ignores context and consistency, something that you yourself constantly complain that Marvel does, to try and debunk that spits in the face of common sense.
"because the writers and editors are symbolism-tripping, metafiction-writing, spiteful and manipulative political and ideological activists first and foremost. They do not care about basic storytelling logic, consistent characterisation, or coherent continuity to any noteworthy degree. They care about getting rich and famous from playing social engineers, and that's it."
I apologize in advance for my next statement, but this is something that needs to be said.
What in the everloving hell does political ideology have to do with the tiering of a character. This is literally one of the top fallacies on this site's own page. You are not a marvel writer, and you have no right to assume the writer's motivations and then play god with pages that have nothing to do with politics, or ideology, or whatever you want to try and pull, and you especially have no right to make this ridiculous blanket statement about dozens of different writers, while you simultaneously go on about how scaling between comics is bad BECAUSE of marvel comics having dozens of writers. It's hypocritical.
Dude, I repsect you a lot, and I absolutely get that Comics are hard as **** to scale. Yes, it's frustrating, i get it, VS debating in general is frustrating, especially for people on the autism spectrum like you and I. I get it.
But trying to equate vs debating to politics is absolute bullshit.