Actually it's only Hegemony who "can't fit" because their law has to fight against creation itself. Gudou Gods are just fine.
And Marie was a Gudou God at this time, which is the kind that isn't concerned by the act of painting over the world.
What?! Mercurius's law already created and encompassed all creation, all creation was his law and governed by it
Why his law should destroy his own creation or law? It is like saying Mercurius's law destroys Mercurius's law. Only problem was Merc's size
You were far too large an existence, and the world too small to hold your grand being. The world is small.
Mercurius even held all creation and stars in palm of his hand and it was hardly more significant than a strand of hair for him. Even hadou gladsheim was big enough for containing stars
Gudou God can fit in creation because unlike hadou gods they don't devour and encompass creation. but they are living universes too. Only small from outside. Its basically some paradoxical shit. Small from outside and universe from inside
Marie never entered creation. Ren only formed her soul as holy relic and later formed Marie's human sized image from his own perspective. It doesn't debunk dozens statements for taiji transcending anything, everything and existing outside of them too. Not to mention how every concept simple or complex is governed by laws and laws holds no water to Briah, let alone Atziluth
Besides the first scan being a bit hyperbolic (as explained prior) and the second saying "near infinite" laws (although the actual number doesn't matter), the fact that they transcend the world would be a mere layer of Reality/Fiction difference, which isn't anywhere enough for 1-A.
near infinite is also infinite, how i can cross near infinite distance without moving at infinite speed?
but if there is only near infinite laws in creation and taiji is something else than taiji is still greater than every law. It even stated unlike any other law taiji fills all creation and controls it and any law is mere physics but taiji
It isn't mere layer of reality/fiction. They are disconnected from all things in creation, everything in creation regardless of potency is still picture to them. It dozens times stated creation is picture and they conceptually paint picture, so even concepts are pictures to taiji and painted
I also found another statement for Throne transcending absolute anything
It refers to the overwritting tho. With the "destroying" part.
Also Briah users have the exact same statements, and they sure aren't 1-A.
It six times stated Taiji transcends laws, makes them void, paints them and etc. They also can either destroy all laws and creation and then create their desired creation or they can overwrite current creation. In both options they transcend creation. Transcendence six times was stated so they have full transcendence over all laws and concepts.
1-A Briah already was accepted:
They are unbounded from their perspective. However things like Twilight Beach or being countered by non-Taiji things go against this statement.
It was said by hadou god Isaac that the gods have no boundaries.
Gods are omniscient so it was true.
Also whole rea and issack interaction was writer attempt in giving as much info and context as possible to readers.
Deducing yourself what phenomena means is a big assumption.
Thoughts are differenciated from concepts too.
It is referring to Onmyoudou from Ryuusui's perspective, which is an art used by her and others, and isn't duality-based for sure.
All phenomena is including higher dimensions, space-time and physics. It is in defintion. Search google if you want. Unless you are against definition
Concept: an abstract idea.
Idea: a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.
Duality thing was confirmed in atwiki too
Also this was the author's attempt to give information to the reader through Ryuusui, and it was also in line with Taiji philosophy. Both are related to dualities
Ryuusui wasn't a normal person too
Intelligence: Due to her Distortion ability, she holds knowledge of how the world works along with its laws and is experienced in the Ying and Yang arts
Philosophy and others work shouldn't be used as proof. Otherwise lots of Buddhism based stuff would be 1-A.
I was only trying to saying taiji in shinza and masada's works was always same as taiji in philsophy. Both are about dualities, root of existence, reality and etc. So why they aren't same? because of downplaying verse i got
You know, this argument of "it's flowery" can be used for A LOT of your own statements.
Also nobody talked about string dimensions. And Singularity having things such as time goes against your point.
I proved that the word higher dimensions and dimensions are also used allegorically in shinza and another phase of physics can really be anything. metaphysics, pataphysics and... especially because it countless times stated taiji and even briah transcends physics and isn't bounded by them
Time only existed in twilight beach and twilight beach is only a small colored part of singularity. It was said by Ren that place did resemble a picture (twilight beach with sea, clouds, sands and time) but at its core it was a completely blank slate. There also is higher levels and stages in singularity, that's why
drilling into singularity is necessary. Twilight Beach and time were a mere small part of singularity
In order to reach the Throne, the challenger may opt to drill through the Singularity using their laws , and without "strength" that matches or exceeds the "depth" of the Singularity, they will never succeed in doing so as it will be too deep. Such was the case of Tenma Yato's desperate struggle.
Singularity in core is devoid of all laws, physics, reason and logic so time can't exist in it
Magic and Briah also have these statements yeah, which reinforce the idea that it isn't 1-A transcendance at all, especially with Briah which is downscaled Emanation. Otherwise it would apply to them too.
1-A Briah already was accepted in wiki
Also it uses "geometrical space", clearly going toward spatial dimensions, with Ryuusui (whom you are using as proof for your own evidences) considering it as linked to Taiji.
I will repeat again, space was just an obstacle before reaching to Taiji or something made by Taiji as obstacle. This does not mean that Taiji is limited by space. Nothing in your text implied that.
Every point in time are reunited here, so there's no distinction between the 3 yeah.
Idk why transcending time for 1-A is required at all or why you can't have 1-A time manip but it only downgrades singularity. It doesn't debunk fact everything in creation is picture to gods and they are external to everything, nor it debunks dualities
It says that the flow of time is meaningless. Because it is frozen in time.
What is point of existing time but frozen in singularity? it was cleary metaphor
However they were moving and drilling through singularity and throne/last stage of singularity was devoid of the concept of time. Time only existed in twilight beach aka an small colored part of singularity which was created by Mercurius for Marie.
Also there's the fact that it is referring to Merc's law and Throne not caring about paradox.
According to description page of throne, there is no concept of time in throne. This was on the throne description page and had nothing to do with Mercury or Mercury's throne
It was also said that the reason Mercury's law is strange is that despite the lack of a concept of time in throne, he can still manipulate time. Lacking concept of time in throne is an important part of story
その理は 永劫回帰。端的に言えば「リセット」。彼が座に在る限り、彼の望まぬ終わりを迎えれば全ては零へと立ち戻る。 彼の 渇望は 「自分の望む結末以外は認めない」「やり直したい」 死の瞬間に「こんな結末は嫌だ」と流出を行い、神となって過去に戻った彼は、 永き時を生きた後に、自らの 自滅因子であるラインハルトと喰い合い自滅する。 その際にまた「こんな結末は嫌だ」と流出を行う…という無限ループになっている。 まるで卵が先かニワトリが先かのパラドックスのようだが、座に時間の概念がなく、 彼の渇望は時間軸を無視したものであったため、こんな奇妙なことが起こっている。 既知の世界と自らの生に飽いているが、その既知の中で出会ったマルグリット(マリィ)に「唯一愛した既知」と恋し、彼女に新世界の女神たる資質を見出した彼は「彼女の胸に抱かれて死ぬ」ことを自らの終焉と定め行動を開始する。
Why would most of Shinza be flowery but not a one line sentence with no context ...?
In the context, Ren's power was time manipulation, and he saw the power of Reinhard's spear and said that it was impossible to stop it in time and time was meager to his spear.
It is supported by Ren vs Reinhard vs Mercurius too. Ren failed in stopping anyone in time
The thing is that there's a lack of compatibility between Mercurius and his predecessors because he revolutionned everything by giving the concept of multiverse to the world. If they truly were unaffected by all expansions, something like that wouldn't create any problem.
According to the texts you sent yourself, Mercury created a
more mysterious world than the former gods just by changing the throne system
I do not know why in hell it means that the multiverse he created caused problems for the former gods.
Those gods already were dead so nothing created problems for them and it mentioned changing throne's system. If anything throne's system should effect them not multiverse.
Also you absolutely ignored the fact that Yakou barriers (Yakou only being able to summon phenomenons from the world at the time) successfully blocked 3 attacks done through Taiji overall.
Wasn't this already debunked by sleepy and he even sent evidence? and 1-A dimensional barrier is a thing. I will leave debunking it for people who read KKK tho
You yourself said that Shinza was very flowery, and the Avesta translations are of poor quality (even mispelling words). So unless the raw is brought I don't think it would be usable.
It wasn't flowery, Ferederica actually transcended concepts of space-time and fired attacks from past and future. Bahlavan also received a whole new form, even incomprehensible to Magsarion and Magsarion was close to Atziluth degree
Avesta is also translated by people who can fully read japanese and even read KKK ancient kanjis
This literally just refers to her attacks coming from both past and future at the same time, your own scan points this out: "Attacks already dealt with coming from the past, as well as attacks that have yet to be released coming from the future, are being used and about to be used in this fight."
She transcended concepts of space-time and then her attacks came from past and future. Don't change wording for lowball
Not being defined by concepts =/= transcending them, moreover, this is flavory text.
You right if my existence can't be defined by concept of dimensions, infinite, dualities, numbers, size and etc then i'm wall level
This is also not literal, it just refers to the fact that no one can enter to castle unless deemed worthy. Your own scan explains this is what it means.
And in order to doing that he ****** concepts of coordinates and distance