I also got this, going against the notion that a God is above any possible changes of the cosmology:
In the main story, Hajun threw the Laws of the previous Gods to attack, but can the second to fifth Gods also use their predecessor's techniques?
They can.
The one who is the best at that kind of thing is the fifth generation, the Twilight (黄昏/Marie). Her ability of Hadou Coexistence is its ultimate system.
Conversely, the one who can't do it at all is the Fourth Generation. He changed the Divine Throne System (神座システム) so drastically in his generation that it doesn't work well with his predecessors.
Hajun, well, as said in the main story, he's throwing them out like dust. He has no understanding or respect for his predecessors at all, so even if he can recreate their powers, its contents are hollow due to being a literal skeleton.
So Merc changed things to the point of becoming incompatible with the previous gods.
But what is the nature of this change?
"He is a singular being, one that brought an end to the previous Thrones, which had all occurred as distortions to the reasoning of the predecessors, and were nothing more than alternations of good and evil."
"The most significant peculiarity of the man was that his craving defied the time axis, and causality was reversed: some experience gave him intense feelings, from which he generated those thoughts in the divine realm."
"In other words, he had reached that point because he had already perceived himself on the Throne. He is the one who destroyed and rewrote the mechanism of the Throne, which at that point consisted of only a single timeline and universe."
Simultaneously seizing the present, past and future, and multiple parallel universes (多元的並行宇宙), this man founded an era in which he has acquired the largest territory of control over the past three generations."
"To put it simply, for the Third Throne, this man was nothing more than a monster from another timeline and universe."
"His universe, generated by causality's flipping, is more mysterious than any other in history."
It is the introduction of the idea of multiversity, time travel and causality shenanigans in the world.
Unlike what others are claiming (often without proof), you have direct explanations of how the world changing actually is influencing Gods and the Throne A LOT, to the point of creating incompatibility between Merc and the 3 previous, who would see him as a true monster because of how he revolutionned the universe.
If Gods and Throne were naturally above all extensions regardless of what happen, none of these explanations would exist at all.