I am serious yes
So basically, Lex Luthor and Salem share working together, Salem was able to sense the sheer negativity emanating from Gotham from across the multiverse, used it as an anchor point, and sent Grimm to invade while also sending Team RWBY there to die. Due to the weird metaphysics of DC and RWBY being fused together, Team RWBY being shunted into DC transformed them into New Gods due to the characters they're based on (Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Belle, and Goldilocks) being considered legends in the DC universe. But somehow RWBY's metaphysical laws are stronger than the ones of DC, so Team RWBY and the Grimm just by existing in the DC universe passively warp the laws of DC's reality to become RWBYfied, causing technology to stop functioning on electricity and instead needing Dust to work, causing people around them to develop random Semblances, and in team RWBY's case passively rallying the people of the world to fight against the Grimm invasion.
Feat-wise, team RWBY has:
*1v4ed Batman and won, with him outright admitting that he only beat them in the immediate rematch due to him developing an advanced precognition semblance halfway through the fight.
*Kept up with and harmed Cheetah, who speed-wise scales to Barey Allen and AP-wise scales to Superman and Wonder Woman
*Harmed and took hits from a mind controlled, bloodlusted Superman
*Damaged Lex Luthor's warsuit