DB: Yeah stops at 2-Cs and SBH
Sonic: Stops at the 2-Cs as well archie is worst
Naruto: Stingers to death
Street fighter: Even worst stinger
Self solo
Marvel: Well there is a lot to kill him
Asura's wrath: Verse Gets yeeted
Masadaverse: Nakiri shocks, reinhard throws spear, etc
WAB series: M and edison rekt house
GoW: Would be a nice fight to see in reality and incon with kratos so there is that
Jojo: "You will never reach the truth"
Umineko" *red truth* You are incompetent and weak (basically gets rekt)
FoTNS: Dante: Omae wa mou shindeiru
Kenshiro: NANI?
SMT: Dante beats dante
Tekken: Ded AF
Metal gear: Ded
Persona: Low 2-Cs would be interesting match
Blazblue: Gets yeeted by his "son"
Doom: F Doomguy
Saint seiya: THE POWER OF COSMOS (dies to 2-Cs)
Mortal kombat: I think solos?
GoH: Ded by stinger
Star wars: Edit: Debatable i guess? (Depends on the agrosax cuz of its mind hax)
Could have more but welp