Jack pauses to listen to the others before Aonbharr snorts, his nostrils flared and teeth bared.
"Really, Aonbharr you're against me doing this. I get the others but you. It is one of the only 2 real options, it's not like you are a town, besides the relics are probably going to be our best chance of restoring your power and getting out of this war with none of you dying." Jack says, "I died trying to help you, I-"
Aonbharr shakes his head.
"Alright I admit I got a little distracted but we both tried leaving it behind afterwards. You didn't even want me to refer to you by name, however it's clear that we can't leave it behind. I don't want to give up this chance," Jack says before looking at the rest of the group, "but I suppose it's not my choice that matters is it, several of you could stop me."
Jack sighs after saying that, "So, Griven do we lose if I consider what the others say."