(In previous cases, there wasn't much to sense really. In this case, you can sense him. His smell is somewhat similar to that of the rest of your surroundings, so it would have to be fairly keen. In this case, it seems odd that you'd be able to pinpoint his exact location immediately without Alex actually saying anything, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and just place your comment after Dragoon's most recent in chronological order.)
The man was skinny and tall, he certainly wasn't old, likely in his 30s, however his hair was long and white. "Hm? A jester! Just as I am! If I wasn't given an actual task, perhaps Grandmaster would give you a palace of your own! But I'm not in the mood to bargain with him at the moment. I'll let you watch the entertainment for a little longer if you so choose."
(Yeah, considering you don't have shockwave manip. It would take an amount of strength that you don't physically have to be able to do this. At most, you might shake the base of a tree by trying that.)