So the first thing that SK characters in general tend to do is put up a Shinobi Barrier. What this does is it gives them a homefield advantage. A Shinobi Barrier is a pocket realm that consists of a place they're familiar with, but it's a version of that place from a different timeline. For example, Kafuru would likely choose the shrine she grew up in, but she would take it from a timeline where, for one reason or another, it was abandoned. That way they could fight without endangering anyone.
All this to say that the location Dargoo set doesn't matter much because Kafuru will immediately change it to a place she knows inside and out.
Something that should be worth mentioning is that Kafuru (and her sisters)
have been combat training since they were 2 years old.
How her teleportation works is she instantly vanishes into the ground and then pops out of it just as quickly. In a similar vein, she can summon Luka, the dolphin, and she often uses him by having him appear from the ground and surprise-uppercutting the opponent.
does use water quite a bit, and although I've never seen The Last Airbender, considering Aang is the main character I am inclined to say he might be better at it. Idk how far his High 8-C version is into the series so maybe he's not as experienced as I think, but again I can't say anything for sure.
What I
ca say for sure is that Kafuru excels at critical thinking and adapting during combat far more than most other characters in the series. Once she sees Aang is able to manipulate her water, she's likely to switch things up. She still has Luka and her own martial arts which, again, she's been honing since she was a toddler.
Also I could be wrong but it seems
this is what Aang actually scales to which is 5.7 tons. The feat Kafuru scales to is also pretty casual, for what it's worth.
And that's all I have to say for now. I won't vote yet since I don't know nearly enough about Aang to say anything for certain.