Okay so these are new informations that i updated, my apologies for not bringing these up for the sake of convenience since my thread is damn long. Most are these are confirmation from Jin-sensei in Japanese. I have discussed with my friend RM97 about this matter. First, is the Mainstream Multiverse and Infinity in Demonbane verse.
Jin-sensei does say that he used [Infinity] in the series vaguely and in a way that signifies god, the latter part is applicable for The Outer Gods/Sea of Chaos/ Reason because in game, we get the statement as how "Sea of Chaos is the True Infinity" which goes hand in hand with Jin-sensei's comment and furthermore, there's even a set of Infinity called "Cantor's Infinity" which George Cantor discovered and called it the Ultimate Infinity that signifies God.
The other part of Infinity, aka Infinity as in sets and alephs (although Jin-sensei said that the Aleph number would be too overwhelming for his understanding if he use it) in cosmology structures. For example, how an infinite and eternal universe is embedded in an infinitesimal aspect of a higher universe. Another one is the Ouroboros Rondo, which pretty obvious
here. So there you have it, the concept of infinity in Demonbane Mythos is related with the infinity in philosophy and likely even more.
Original tweet:
OP: 先生の作品の中によく出てくる無限という概念に関する問題です。
OP: 昔の無限はただ神の象徴かも知れないが、現代の無限は数学家のゲームですね。私の問題は
Jin Haganeya: 私が無限という言葉を使うときは、曖昧で詩的な表現として用いることが多いです。正直な話をすると、アレフ数のような数学の概念を用いると、いずれ私の理解が追いつかなくなるからです。
Jin Haganeya: だから、どちらかというと神の象徴に近いかもしれません。神だけではなく色々な要素を含む、ロマンがある言葉として使っています。
OP: “This is a question about the concept of [infinity], which often appears in Jin-sensei’s works.
It is related to the concept of [Aleph numbers], which often appeared in modern works featuring Cthulhu Mythos.
As an example, from the Japanese mangas and games I’ve seen, there are theories about Yog-Sothoth being the [Aleph-infinity] itself.”
OP: “Though the olden [infinity] was known as a symbol of God, modern [infinity] are tools of mathematicians. My question is, was the [infinity] in your works are that sort of concept (Aleph numbers) or a different concept (such as the symbol of God)?”
Jin Haganeya: “When I use the word of [infinity], they were often to be vague and poetic. To be honest, my understanding would be overwhelmed sooner or later, using mathematical concepts like [Aleph number].”
Jin Haganeya: “Which is why, if anything else, it may be closer to the symbol of God. It is used as a romantic word that includes not only God, but also various elements.”
Now moving on, about the higher universes in Hyperdimension. So basically Hyperdimension is a Low 1-A structure. However, it'll be Infinite above baseline Low 1-A due to the fact that it's infinitely layered in itself with higher universes above it. That's my interpretation of it because to my knowledge, infinitely above Low 1-A is still Low 1-A as in order to reach the next aleph, aka 1-A, you'd have to either go beyond the boundaries of Space, Time, and Dimensions (Something the Outer Universe did), or you'd have to go Uncountably Infinite above it. Jin-sensei made a commentary about the difference between "larger universe" and "higher universe", as he got the references from Multi-World Interpertation and the Cosmic Inflation, a larger universe is likely contained smaller universe, but a larger universe is not necessary a higher universe, since they are just larger, same level of existence, but difference in terms of size. For example: C > A > B > C, this is directly taken from the concept of Trilemma, which you can find in Rock - Paper - Scissor. Considering how a mortal universe is infinite and eternal, you can get the idea how large Demonbane verse is.
Original tweet:
OP: 先生こんばんは、今日は多元宇宙について、いくつの質問があります。
Jin Haganeya: 少なくとも多世界解釈は参考にしています。宇宙のインフレーションもイメージに近いです。
OP: なお、先生の作品から見ると多元宇宙の外にも時空があるよね、超空間とか、超超空間とか、これは全部同じの時空連続体にあるのか?それも知りたいです。
Jin Haganeya: 多元宇宙と超時空の関係はおそらく複雑なものです。ある宇宙の外側にある、より大きい宇宙が、必ずしも高位の宇宙であるとは限らないでしょう。
Jin Haganeya: たとえば宇宙Aを内包する宇宙Bが存在し、その宇宙Bの外側に、さらに巨大な宇宙Cが存在すると仮定します。ですがその宇宙Cは宇宙Aよりも小さいことがあり得る、というのが私の考えです。何とも不思議で不可解で、そして魅力的なことでしょう!
OP (His reply is liked by Jin-sensei himself, so it counts): 実に面白い、先生の世界は私の貧弱な想像をはるかに超えているようだ。小さな物は小さい、大きな物は大きい、誰にとってこれも常識だ。小さなものは大きなものより大きいなんて、想像もつかないじゃないか。これはウロボロスみたいな感じ、世界そのものはひとつの環になるんだ。
OP: “Greetings, Sensei. I have some questions about the multiverse for today.
I am curious about the various models of the multiverse. So I wish to know about the structure of the multiverse in Sensei’s works.
What kind of multiverse you used in your works? It is similar to Many-Worlds Interpretation or bubbles in Cosmic Inflation model?”
Jin: “At least the reference I got is from the Many-Worlds Interpretation. The Cosmic Inflation also has a close image to that.”
OP: “Moreover, I saw that there are space-time beyond the multiverse in Sensei’s works, such as Hyperspace or Hyper-hyperspace. I want to know if they are all parts of the same space-time continuum.”
Jin Haganeya: “The relationship between the multiverse and hyperdimension is sort of a complicated one. The larger universe outside another universe does not have to be a higher universe.”
Jin: “For example, assuming there is a Universe B that contains Universe A and the larger Universe C exists outside Universe B. But that Universe C can be smaller than Universe A, is what I believe. How mysterious, incomprehensible and fascinating it is!”
OP: “This is really interesting, Sensei’s world is far surpassing my meager imagination. Everyone’s common sense would dictate that small is small and big is big. They could not even imagine that a small object can be larger than a big object. This is like the Ouroboros, where the world itself is one big ring.”
Next is regarding the gods in Demonbane Mythos, as confirmed by Jin-sensei, all gods in Demonbane Mythos
are comparable to archetypes from Theory of Forms, which supported the idea that the Lovecraftian gods of Demonbane Mythos are abstract higher dimensional beings. For example, Yog-Sothoth's manifestion to the PoV of Kurou and others varies, from countless spheres to a Gate or a pillar. Another is Cthulhu with Illusionary Heart Mother acted as a vessel, or its endlessly growing cancerous tumors, they are simply different forms of the real Cthulhu that beyond the perception of mortals (
Note: The Cthulhu that has been summoned is just a vessel form, while the true Great Old Ones resides in Outer Universe). Basically, the image of these gods that we “saw” is just a fraction of their form among countless in our very perception (
Note: This is pretty much consistent with the fact that Deus Machina is a mass of Azathoth particles, their physical form is just a reflection from their higher existence in spiritual dimension. And Deus Machinas are just modeled after the gods). A reminder, that even Cthulhu, a god cannot even perceive the true form of his cousins, whom are also Great Old Ones and Great Old Ones are less than mortals before the Outer Gods. In addition, since they are comparable to archetypes, so by default, they should be beyond space and time.
(I copied and paste from my own RT but whatever, basically what i said anyway)
Original tweet:
OP: 先生、こんばんは
Jin Haganeya: 概念の話は私には難しい問題です。その上でデモンベイン内での神々はどういう存在なのかをお答えします。作中でヨグ=ソトースが召喚された時、九郎たちの目にはそれが巨大な扉のように見えました。しかしある時は無数の球体に見え、ある時は巨大な柱に見えました。
OP: なお、この問題に関して、先生の作品に登場する神々はどのような存在ですか
Jin Haganeya: これは人間には神の真実の姿をとらえることは決して出来ず、個人個人の感覚や精神、魂のかたちに合わせて、別々の神を幻として見ているに過ぎないからです。なのでイデア論に少し似ているかも知れません。
OP: “Good evening, Jin-sensei.
Today, I wanted to ask for another philosophical question.
Where do conceptual existences belong? What do you think about this question?
Do they exist beyond time and space (like Plato’s Realm of Ideas)?
Or they are simply something within a human’s mind, or do they exist in a higher dimension?”
Jin Haganeya: “A conversation about concepts is a difficult one to me. On top of that, I will tell what kind of gods in Demonbane. When Yog-Sothoth was summoned in my work, he manifested as a gigantic gate to Kurou and others. Yet, at times, he manifested as countless spheres or at other times, he manifested as a gigantic pillar.”
OP: “Furthermore, concerning this question, what kind of being are the gods in your works? Are they physical gods or conceptual gods? I would like hear your opinion.”
Jin Haganeya: “This is because humans are never able to perceive the true form of the gods, they merely see a god in different forms as illusions according to an individual’s sense, mind and soul. Hence, it might a bit similar to the Theory of Forms.”
Okay this should be it. Appreciated for more inputs.