Martial arts isn't a skill, it is techniques
They're essentially a structured way of fighting hence why putting them under Bodily Weaponry wouldn't make sense since Bodily Weaponry is more about what something naturally possess. Like, technically, nails would just be bodily weaponry.
Actually, you know what, the moment you turn your hand and feet or even nali into something that can causing damage, killing others, or defense yourself from those things you effectively turn it into a weapon, and hand, feat, nail is natural to body thus by all mean you can listed them as Bodily Weapon, in a sense.
While I do agree that Marksmanship is different enough where it wouldn't just be weapon mastery, it's also one of those abilities that feels like it would just be adding fluff to profiles where it can be covered with just weapon mastery
Why it is not different is enough, by all mean Marksmanship is not something bound to weapon, why should it be linked to weapon mastery. Mastering a weapon doesn't grant you masksmanship, the reason for this laziness is because most of the time marksmanship is happened along with gun, bow or something similar thus people just linked it to Weapon Mastery. For example you mastered a pistol doesn't mean you automatically have good masksmanship there is still other type of gun, and when you have a master masksmanship doesn't mean you automatically good with all type of gun because gun or even bow doesn't only require good masksmanship, but also the ability to mastered all of the weapon functionality, and also people who capable of insane masksmanship without weapon
Also like i said before, with our current logic, i can also list characters using glove type of weapon or somekind of boots/shoes weapon with martial art, why, because those weapon need those characters to uses their hand and feet to fight, fighting with hand and feat is martial art.
We are indexing wiki, and it not like adding a Masksmanship on a profile gonna break it structure