First anti feat: The universe doesn't disappear when your anti spiral dies
Answer: Simon is the Person Who Protects the Universe. The reason why the universe did not disappear when Anti spital was the embodiment of the universe, and the reason why the universe did not disappear is the merger of the universe with the spiral power (simon).
"The Spiral force is the force that connects the Universe to life."
Second: laim of insufficient evidence Anti spiral Says that it is not ubiquitous in the parallel universe, but is ubiquitous in the main universe
Answer :
whereas parallel universes are just a branch of the main universe and the anti spiral controls them as if they are part of his body (
For every possibility, a new universe is created instantly and where the anti spiral introduces us this labyrinth, we call it main universe, we see, but it has endless branches )
Third : Spiral nemesis did not cause Answer: Although Simon used all his strength, the power did not escape from control. Simon constantly spent this power on an upper form (for example, ttgl). " (ie it doesn't make sense to accept this as anti feat just because simon didn't allow it, he could have done it
if he wanted
"The Spiral force goes out of control, and the energy emanating from the body becomes a galaxy." ) Conclusion : Anti spiral is omnipresent and Simons Spiral nemesis hax is true
i know i am unknown but i have read all the databooks but on scale nothing debatable except for Td1 and Aca 5: i rebunked anti feats i can show more context if you have question