Regardless of whether or not the standards for High-Godly are changed, the argument for Zamasu falls flat because a
fundamental aspect of his existence was not erased. The information of him ever existing would have to be removed for this to count as High-Godly, but that is simply not the case at all. If this information was deleted, than nobody would remember he ever existed. However, everyone remembered the encounter with Zamasu and the future timeline itself, and later on, the participants and audience members of the Tournament of Power remembered the existence of the universes and their inhabitants when they were deleted, proving that Zen-Oh's Existence Erasure only boils down to Mid-Godly.
If this information was truly erased:
- Nobody would be able to connect to or return to the future timeline in any capacity, since its existential archive would be deleted
- Nobody would be able to recall Zamasu's existence or that of the future timeline
- No other version of Zamasu would be allowed to exist across any reality, since the knowledge of him ever existing would be removed
If Zamasu was erased by Zen-Oh, and he was deleted from the past altogether, removing any chance of him existing in any other future (all versions), or completely wiped from the Scroll of Eternity (Xenoverse and Heroes), and simply forgotten (all versions), and
then he came back, then he would qualify for High-Godly. But as it stands, unless any
solid evidence is presented, Zen-Oh only erased Zamasu on a Mid-Godly level -- physical, spiritual, and mental level.