So just so I'm clear on what is being changed here, including things from the blog (looking at it now this is way more changes than i initially thought it was lmao):
-For gods, matter manipulation will be replaced with creation,
Physics Manipulation,
Gravity Manipulation,
Causality Manipulation,
Fate Manipulation &
Probability Manipulation will be moved to primordial keys, their primordial key's AP will be changed to H3-A, possibly L2-C, and type 3 immortality and high-godly regeneration will be replaced with type 4 immortality and resurrection.
-Youkai will gain physics and gravity manipulation, as well as resistance to biological manipulation and matter manipulation.
-Hermits will gain longevity, spatial manipulation, pocket reality manipulation, and sealing.
-Fairies will gain resistance to death manipulation and high-mid regeneration.
-Hourai immortals will gain resistance to life manipulation.
-Basically everyone who isn't a regular human or someone without combat abilities (so everyone except Kosuszu, Akyuu, Rinnosuke, Renko, and Maribel) will gain acrobatics.
-Reimu gains type 1 conceptual manipulation and fate manipulation.
-Youmu gains BFR, attack reflection, and invulnerability.
-Reisen gains poison manipulation and statistics amplification.
-Miko gains information analysis and statistics amplification.
-Tenshi replaces statistics amplification with damage reduction.
-Sagume gains every ability the occult balls have, which should include teleportation, statistics amplification, space-time manipulation, and energy projection.
-Toyohime gains probability manipulation
Did I miss anything?