[Ok, I'll just go with who's here]
The droplets of black spittle flies towards the team. Jackson turns to light, but as the spittle flies through him, shards of light that touch the dark substance and the bits of his soul present in them are absorbed. The other glow, that Kura placed around his body, dims significantly. Jackson stumbles back slightly from the shock, but fires off a few lasers. The instant the beams of light touch the creature's body, they vanish, the light absorbed into its pure blackness.
Genesis doesn't dodge, and liquid darkness crashes into his entire body as he fires off hadokens and begins to eat away at his flesh. The light around him dims significantly. The hadoukens that he does get off crash into the monster, but its body moves like liquid and reforms around the balls of energy as they hit, absorbing them into its mass and devouring them.
Griffin also doesn't dodge, but the doplets curve around his body due to his twisted space defense spell. The portal "falls" towards the monster, but the moment the portal's "surface" touches the monster, it shatters and disappears.
Ahriman successfully dodges and fires his arrows. They strike the creature and melt into its body, bursting into black holes, but the creature simply roars and moves out of the black hole, completely ignoring the intense gravitational forces on its body. Also, it begins sucking everything nearby towards it due to the multiple black holes present in its body. Everyone on the team feels an intense gravitational pull towards the creature.
Blane throws a sword at the creature. Where it touches the monster, pieces of its viscious body freeze in time, like a single section of ice amist water, but the rest of the monster simply pulls itself free, leaving chunks of its body frozen in time in mid-air with the sword embedded within.
Realm also doesn't try to dodge, and the spittle flies towards him. Blane spins from the throw and tries to defend him, but the time he spent using the first sword means he is unable to block all the spittle. Small droplets of it land on Realm. The light around him dims slightly, and the goo begins to eat into his flesh. Despite the damage though, he manages to get the spell off, and the strength of the team rises.
Jake teleports out of the way of the spittle and roars at the monster. The strength of its attacks decreases significantly.
Silas attempts to flash freeze the spittle, but the substance glows darkly and the ice melts almost as soon as it appears. Its momentum is unaffected and flies towards him. Luckily, his step back reduces how much of the spittle hits him, so only some small patches on his arms and legs are hit. Where it touches, they begin to dissolve, and the glow around him dims slightly. He grimaces, but the red guantlet on his hand begins to flash green.
The smashor fails to even try to dodge (probably due to the grogginess of having just woken up) and is struck by the spittle all over his body. The light dims significantly and he falls back before managing to have his orbs surround the enemy, never managing to get off seizure scream.\
Kura simply smacks the droplets aside before they touch her.
Everyone else, the droplets miss due to sheer chance.
Having finished roaring to intimidate the team, the monster turns to the "biggest" threat - the giant godzilla - and lunges towards him, its movements sending more droplets of its tarry body flying everywhere.
[Current state of battle]
[Jackson - has taken moderate damage to his soul. Protection spell is significantly weakened. Rally Specturm has increased his abilities somewhat.
[Genesis - taken damage to body and soul. Protection spell is significantly weakened Rally Specturm has increased his abilities somewhat.].
[The Stranger - is really big now. Rally Specturm has increased his abilities somewhat]
[Griffin - doing fine. Rally Specturm has increased his abilities somewhat.]
[Ahriman - doing fine. Rally Specturm has increased his abilities somewhat.]
[Blane - doing fine. Rally Specturm has increased his abilities somewhat.]
[Realm - slightly damaged in body and soul. Protection spell is slightly damaged. Rally Specturm has increased his abilities somewhat]
[Jake - doing fine. Rally Specturm has increased his abilities somewhat.]
[Silas - slightly damaged in body and soul. Protection spell slightly damaged. Beginning to charge his BOOST. Rally Specturm has increased his abilities somewhat]
[The - significantly damaged. Protection spell significantly damaged. Rally Specturm has increased his abilities somewhat]
[The monster - power of its subsequent attacks are halved by noble scream. Is slightly more powerful than before due to absorbing hadokens and light beams. Now has a black hole in its body sucking everyone towards it]