Observations from skimming through Max Heart:
-ep 1, the Cures are shocked by there new power. Two Interpretations: 1) Stronger than There powered up Rainbow Bracelet form and possibly the Rainbow Storm
2) Shocked that there base form are just this strong, so an unknown increase
Marble Screw Max better version of Marble Screw (duh, don't know if stronger than Rainbow Storm as an attack)
-ep 4, Shiny luminous is powered by porun, same light as Rainbow Bracelets, stronger than that with the above interpretation (?)
-ep 5, Shiny Luminous jumped so fast that the Cures thought see disappeared at first.
-ep 8, Shiny Luminous' shield held and pushed Uraganos (a bit stronger than the Cures) back, leaving him open to attack
-ep 9, Viblis caught Uraganos punch, both were shaking.
-ep 11, just a good episode to show that the Cures are stronger than Shiny Luminous
-ep 14, Cure White managed to fliped Circulas with little difficulty, with Cure Black And Shiny Luminous getting out of the way
-for the first 10 or so episodes, the Denizens were superior to the Cures in Hand to hand combat.
The Cures were still relative, but it was clear they were at a disadvantage. In ep 15, the Cures are able to match and hold
back Circulas. Not a huge increase and I don't know if we can even calculate how much of an increase it is
but still noteworthy.
-ep 19, Nagisa states that Hikari's power grew and Honaka agrees
-ep 22, Baldez dominates the Cures. He states he is "far, far stronger than those you fought before" him. Punched the Marble Screw Max so hard it reflected back at the Cures.
Was a bit tired after that, but did power up to recover. Equaled the Extreme Luminario.
-ep 23, Cures get the Sparkle Bracelets, with it they are superior to Baldez in combat, meaning it is superior to the power of the Extreme Luminario, though not by a huge amount.
When the first get the Bracelets, Cure Black Says: "I'm Back! Energy times 100! Courage times a gazillion!". Mepple questions the gazillion part since its not a real number.
No one questions the 100 times part which actually pertains to the engery and not the courage. Could just be hyperbole, but still thought it should be brought up.
-ep 24-26, the other Denizens seem to have gotten stronger. The Cure relying on the Sparkle Bracelets, they may not have needed them to win, but should be noted.
-ep 27, used the Extreme Luminario to beat the Zekenna, not the Sparkle Bracelets.
-ep 29, lulun uses her power to help Luminous, made Uraganos drop her.
-ep 30, lulun's power gives Luminous the Heartiel Brooch which powers her up and allows her to make barriers.
-ep 31, regular Cures and Heartiel Brooch Luminous take on and match the three Denizens. Extreme Luminario in now enhaced and can be manipulated into three beams and track its enimeies.
-ep 38, Circulas took several punches from the Cures and barely reacted.
-ep 40, Baldez casually holding Viblis back.
-ep 46, with the Dark King resurrected, the Denizens are stated to be getting stronger. When going all out, they managed to give the Cures with the Sparkle Bracelets trouble and survived long enough in the
Marble Screw Max Sparkle to get to them and destroy the Bracelets.
-ep 47, Cures restore the Sparkle Bracelets, and were very motivated in the fight (possible boost?). Baldez then withstands
the Marble Screw Max Sparkle, then powers ups having fused with the Dark King. He then stomps them. After restoring their hope a second time,
they are able to actually push this New Dark King back with just punches and push through his attacks meaning they scale above their Marble Screw Max Sparkle.
Full Power New Dark King = Resurrected Queen of Light.
So, my initial scaling where I said they scaled to the Sparkle Bracelets was wrong. It's mostly marginal increases that we wouldn't really be able to calculate (at least not with huge difficulty and a lot of estimating) and the one big scale at the end. Also, no idea how we would scale the power of the New Dark King or Queen, but they are the strongest beings in the series and wouldn't suprise me if they were the strongest beings in the entire franchise.